Motion to Disqualify Attorney of Record
Plaintiff Stars and Bars, LLC’s Motion to Disqualify Joshua Bordin-Wosk and the Law Firms of Bordin Semmer LLP and BBLaw Group, LLP as Attorneys of Record for defendant Riptide Restaurants, Inc. is DENIED. Defendant’s objections to declaration of Brian Roche are OVERRULED.
Is Bordin, Bordin Semmer, or BB Law Group disqualified under CRPC 1.7?
Concurrent representation of clients with adverse interests creates a conflict of interest. CRPC 1.7; Flatt v. Superior Court (1994) 9 Cal.App.4th 275, 282. There is no evidence that Roche or Stars and Bars have an attorney-client relationship with Bordin or Bordin Semmer. Bloom admits he had a prior relationship with Roche, but it was on a matter unrelated to Stars and Bars. He says he has not represented Roche since 2018. Although Roche says Bloom currently represents him, he offers no evidence in support of this claim. The evidence of a representation by Bloom that lasted past 2018 is non-existent in h