Motion for preliminary Approval of Class Settlement The court has reviewed the supplemental materials submitted by plaintiff and defendant and finds they address the identified concerns. Accordingly, the motion for preliminary approval is granted. The Notice submitted by plaintiff in connection with the motion shall be given to the class.
The motion for final approval will be heard on November 20, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. in Department CX101.
For final approval as to any proposed enhancement, counsel should state the amounts the representative is expected to recover as a class member, and any other factors pertinent to the enhancement request. The high, low, and average recoveries for the class members as a whole should also be stated.
For final approval as to any request for fees and costs, evidence should be presented as to the services provided by counsel, including time records, to allow the court to evaluate the lodestar, and as to the basis for the costs claimed, including supporting do