1. Defendants’ Motion for Costs 2. Plaintiffs’ Motion to Strike or Tax Costs
The Plaintiff Veronica Lynn Hicks and Condos, Etc.’s Motion to Strike or Tax Defendant’s Costs and Memorandum is granted. The Defendant Michael Alladawi’s Motion for an award of costs and expert fees against Plaintiffs Veronica Lynn Hicks and Condos, Etc. Inc. in the amount of $89,768.85 is denied in its entirety. The Defendant’s 998 Offer is invalid and thus will not support a cost-shifting award against Plaintiff Hicks. The Defendant’s memorandum of costs is not apportioned to identify the costs incurred by the defendant to defend himself against the plaintiff Condo’s Slander per se cause of action.
Relief Sought by Motions:
The defendant seeks $4,670.71 in pre-offer costs and $85,099.14 in post-offer costs and expert fees, minus the $1.00 that Ms. Hicks was awarded at trial.
The plaintiff seeks to strike the defendant’s entire cost memorandum or in the alternative to tax $37,095.87 in costs.
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