Nature of Proceedings: Petition for Letters of Administration The following must be submitted: Proof of Publication. Jurisdiction of the Probate Court is obtained by publication in accordance with Probate Code section 8121. (Prob. Code, § 8003(b).) The proof of publication must match the requests in the petition. The proof of publication submitted does not match the relief in the petition, because the petition requests full IAEA authority, and the publication shows no IAEA powers were being sought. Republication is required, unless petition wishes to proceed without full IAEA authority. Because republication is required, it is recommended that the matter be continued to a date to be set by the Court at the hearing, unless the party appears and requests a different date, or submits a request for a different continuance date prior to the hearing. (Local Rule 1721(c)(2)(A-B).) If the matter is continued, documents must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the new hearing date to be cons