Superior Court of California

angel griffin, Plaintiff, v. mahoney enterprises, l.p; LOUISE MAHONEY; et al. Defendants.

Case No.: 20STCV21280

Hearing Date: December 2, 2020


defendant louise mahoney’s DEMURRER to the complaint


At the outset of the hearing, all parties (through Counsel) confirmed and acknowledged that prior to the hearing they each received and read the following disclosure from the L.A. Superior Court’s website (, tentative rulings for Department 26 link):

Judge Elaine Lu recently purchased a vacant duplex. After the close of escrow in August 2020, Judge Lu learned in September 2020 (1) that Sellers’ MLS listing contained misrepresentations regarding rent and (2) that Sellers had evicted the former tenant for one of the units as a result of which the rent for that unit is capped under rent control laws; the rent for that unit is capped at an amount lower than what Sellers had stated as rent in the MLS listing. Sellers n