sang kue chyun, et al.; Plaintiffs, vs. select portfolio servicing, inc., et al.; Defendants.

Case No.: 20STCV05391

Hearing Date: August 10, 2020


Defendants select portfolio servicing, inc. and wilmington n.a.’s DEMURRER TO THE COMPLAINT

Defendants Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. and Wilmington Trust, N.A., Successor Trustee to Citibank, N.A. as Trustee, f/b/o The Registered Holders of Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II Trust 2007-AR6, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-AR6’s Demurrer to the Complaint is SUSTAINED without leave to amend.

Factual Background

This is a wrongful foreclosure action. The Complaint alleges as follows. Plaintiffs Sang Kue Chyun (“Cyun”) and Hwa Suk Chya (“Chya”) (hereinafter collectively the “Plaintiffs”) are a married couple who were the former homeowners of real property located at 1212 S. Longwood Avenue, Los Angeles (the “Subject Property”) through a deed of trust executed on June 13, 2007. (Compl. ¶¶ 10-11