Nature of Proceedings: Minor’s Compromise Appearances required, including the minor. (CRC 7.952.) The following must be submitted before petition may be approved: 1) Adequate documentation that the minor has fully recovered, or is expected to fully recover from his injuries. The only medical report submitted shows minor saw D. William R. Gallivan, Jr. on March 12, 2020. In his report, Dr. Gallivan, Jr. specifically noted the injury was not fully healed and minor still suffered pain. This is contrary to the allegation in the petition that the minor made a full recovery. Petitioner must show that the minor made a full recovery, or the injuries are temporary (i.e. will have no lasting effect that will require minor to need funds for care). This showing has not been made. 2) Adequate evidence sufficient investigation into the solvency of the settling defendant above the policy limits of the settling insurance company. Petitioner alleges, by checking the box and not giving any supporting ev