Plaintiffs move for a change of venue on the basis that there is no remaining Defendan residing in Santa Cruz County following their dismissal of Defendant Victoria Elliot; an therefore Santa Cruz is not a proper court. The motion is denied. Venue is determined at the outset of the action. Therefore, venu based on the residence of a bona fide defendant remains proper even though that defendant i later dismissed. Weil & Brown, Cal. Civ. Proc. Before Trial (TRG) §3:489, citing Ferguson Koerber (1924) 69 Cal. App. 47, 49. The other defendants cannot compel transfer to their count of residence, and plaintiff cannot object if the remaining defendants want the action tried in th county of the dismissed defendant’s residence. Id., §3:489.1 Santa Cruz County was found to be a proper venue following the transfer of the actio from Los Angeles County, based on the residence of a bona fide defendant, Victoria Elliott Venue therefore remains proper in Santa Cruz County, despite Defendants’ dismiss