Petition to Approve Minor’s Compromise

Having considered the petitioning papers, the Court rules as follows. No opposing papers were filed.


On August 1, 2019, Plaintiff Sandeneta Robison, Jamaria Neal, and Jaesean Neal, by and through his guardian ad litem Sandeneta Robison, alleged wrongful death and negligence against Defendants Troy Cashatt, M.D. and Centinela Hospital Medical Center alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death for the passing of Joseph Louis Neal from deficient care administered on May 20, 2018.

On October 15, 2019, Petitioner Sandeneta Robison filed a petition to approve compromise of disputed claim for Claimant Jaesean Neal.


Petitioner Sandeneta Robison (“Petitioner”) asks the Court to approve a petition for a compromise of disputed claim for Claimant Jaesean Neal (“Claimant”).


Pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 7.952(a), Petitioner and Claimant are required to attend the hearing on the petition. Howe