Nature of Proceedings: Petition to Determine Beneficiaries and Distribution Appearances required. This matter is on calendar to determine the petition filed by the Trustee of the Albert and Patricia Busse Trust, on November 27, 2019. That petition placed very simple questions before this Court: 1) Who are the beneficiaries of the trust? 2) What do the beneficiaries receive from the trust? This Court answered those two questions as follows: 1) The beneficiaries to the Albert and Patricia Busse Trust are the Estate of Albert Busse and the Estate of Patricia Busse, in equal portions. 2) The Estate of Albert Busse receives Albert’s share of the Albert and Patricia Busse Trust, and the Estate of Patricia Busse receives Patricia’s portion of the Albert and Patricia Busse trust, pursuant to the intestate scheme in Division 6, Part 2 of the Probate Code (§§6400 et seq.), because the trust this Court was given contains distribution provisions that all fail as a matter of law. On October 15, 202