Nature of Proceedings: Req. for Order: Spousal Support and Attorney's Fees Request for Order: Spousal Support and Attorney’s Fees Attorneys: Jacqueline Misho for Petitioner [“Jack”]; Renee M. Fairbanks for Respondent [“Kimberley”] Email addresses:;; Rulings: 1. For the reasons set forth below, Jack shall pay spousal support to Kimberley in the amount of $2,676/mo. retroactive to 12/17/19 with credit for spousal support paid between that date and the date of this order. The Court’s DissoMaster is available in the courtroom. 2. Jack shall pay to Kimberley’s counsel $25,000 in attorney fees and $10,000 in costs before March 1, 2020; the Court reserves the right to allocate such sums at time of trial. 3. The request for an evidentiary hearing is denied for the reasons set forth below. 4. The Court confirms that the next CMC is set for 5/5/20; MSC is set for 6/5/20; a two day trial is set for 6/30/20. Analysis This case was filed on 9/11/19; Jac