(2) Motion for Sanctions
On February 26, 2019, Plaintiff Drew B. Grundfor filed a lawsuit against Defendants Allstate Northbrook Indemnity Company (Allstate); John Demarest; and Hanger, Steinberg, Shapiro & Ash (the Law Firm). Plaintiff’s first amended complaint (FAC) alleges causes of action for (1) negligence (against Mr. Demarest and the Law Firm1), and (2) tortious breach of insurance contract (against Allstate).
Plaintiff’s lawsuit stems from a December 28, 2014 automobile accident he was involved in with Nicole Missamore, also known as Nicole Mayfield, who suffered injuries. Two lawsuits – one civil (the Civil Case) and one criminal (the Criminal Case) – arose from this accident, both filed in the San Luis Obispo Superior Court. The Civil Case is captioned as case no. 15CV-0388, Nicole Missamore et al. v. Drew Grundfor. Plaintiff alleges that, under his automobile insurance policy with Allstate, Allstate hired the Law Firm Defendants to defend Plaintiff’s interests in