richard becker; Plaintiff, vs. unirac, inc., et al.; Defendants.

Case No.: 18STCV03272

Hearing Date: August 6, 2020


DEFENDANTs allied building products, llc, Beacon Roofing supply, inc., and cody melamed’s

MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT or alternatively, motion for summary adjudication

DEFENDANT unirac, inc.’s

MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT or, in the alternative, summary adjudication of issues

Defendants Allied Building Products, LLC, Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc., and Cody Melamed’s Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED. The Motion for Summary Adjudication of the Seventh Cause of Action is DENIED; GRANTED as to the Eighth Cause of Action; and DENIED as to the request for punitive damages.

Defendant Unirac, Inc.’s Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED. The Motion for Summary Adjudication of the: (1) First Cause of Action is DENIED; (2) GRANTED as to the Second through Fourth, and Sixth Causes of Action; (3) DENIED as to the Fifth and Seventh Causes of Action, G