Nature of Proceedings: Petition to Appoint Guardian of the Person

Appearances required. The following defects still have not been corrected:

1) UCCJEA Declaration completed. (Form GC-210) (Prob. Code, §§ 1510(f), 1512) – Completed for 5 years.

2) Proof of Service by Mail. The following must be submitted: proof of timely mailed service of the notice of hearing and a copy of the petition (Prob. Code, § 1511) on Joaquin Vitervo Hilario, Felicitia Paz Galicia, Antonino Trujillo Ojeda, Margarita Valeria Santiago, OR Consent to Appointment of Guardian and Waiver of Notice (Judicial Council form GC-211) OR adequately supported request to dispense with notice (CRC 7.52; see Local Court form SC-6014).

3) Duties of Guardian Form (Form GC-248)

4) Indian Child Welfare Act Inquiry. Not adequately supported. The form advises Petitioner to provide “The names, relationships to the child named above, addresses, and telephone numbers, of the persons interviewed by Petitioner to collect or confirm t