Nature of Proceedings: Motion for Summary Judgment re Vineyard Encroachment & Motion for Summary Judgment re 2005 Easement

Conclusion: Two summary adjudications motions have been filed, one involving the 2005 Easement Grant, and one involving the Vineyard Encroachment, with each motion addressing causes of action raised in the first amended complaint, affirmative defenses raised in the answer to the first amended complaint, and causes of action advanced in (essentially) the first amended cross-complaint.

As to the 2005 Easement Grant motion, the court grants summary adjudication to the Second, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth causes of action involving Sine Qua Non, Inc., and Molly Aida, Inc. only, advanced in the first amended cross-complaint. The court denies the summary adjudication motion as to two causes of action for quiet title and declaratory relief in the first amended complaint. It also denies summary adjudication as to the affirmative defenses raised in the ans