Demurrer to cross complaint
The Demurrer brought by Cross-Defendant County of San Mateo (County) to the Cross-Complaint of Cross-Complainant Darlene Stahl (Stahl) is sustained. The County’s Request for Judicial Notice is granted. Cross-Complainant Stahl shall have 20 days to file a First Amended Cross-Complaint.
Request for Judicial Notice. The County requests judicial notice of several court filings in the instant case and in the prior case, County of San Mateo v. Stahl, et al. (CLJ533046). Pursuant to Evidence Code §§ 452 and 453, the request should be granted. In addition, the Court, on its own motion, takes judicial notice of the entire record and files in the prior case, County of San Mateo v. Stahl, et al. (CLJ533046), pursuant to Evidence Code §§ 452 and 453.
Synopsis. This is a case concerning unpaid medical bills. A prior case was filed between the parties, County of San Mateo v. Stahl, et al. (CLJ533046), but, after a Notice of Settlement was filed, that cas