Motion: by Plaintiff Jeffrey Maxwell for Corrective Action
Tentative Ruling:
To grant and order that the “Class action waiver(s)” contained in the Employee Arbitration Agreements (the form of which is identified as Exhibit “B” to the Jaramillo Declaration in support of this motion, and is also quoted in the Explanation section below) which were signed by any putative class members (as defined in Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint) are hereby invalidated and deemed unenforceable.
To further order defendants to send a curative notice to the putative class members who signed an Employee Arbitration Agreement informing them that the “Class Action Waiver(s)” provision contained in the Employee Arbitration Agreement in question have been invalidated and rendered unenforceable by the court, and that they are still putative class members in this action until the court has ruled upon Plaintiff’s class certification motion. The notice shall quote the paragraph that is being invalidated. On or b