Motion: By Defendants First Health Medical Center of Fresno, Inc., S.
Stephen Kirkorian, D.C. and Mark Nazarian, M.D. to require
vexatious litigant to post security.
By Plaintiff Genthner for leave to add punitive damages to Third
Amended Complaint.
Tentative Ruling:
To grant the motion to require vexatious litigant to post security. Such security shall be in the amount of $15,000 and notice of the posting of such a bond shall be filed with this Court within 30 days of this order.
To order the action stayed pending the posting of such security.
To take the motion for leave to add punitive damages to the Third Amended Complaint off calendar. If and when the notice of the posting of the security is filed with this Court, this motion may be re-noticed and re-calendared.
Pursuant to a ruling by this Court on November 20, 2014, Plaintiff was declared a vexatious litigant.
Code of Civil Procedure section 391.1 provides:
In any litigation pending in any court of this state, at an