Motion: By Larry K. Buehner to Compel Morris and Lucille Srabian to Issue Acknowledgement of Full Satisfaction of March 4, 2019 Judgment
(or, in the Alternative, to Have Clerk Enter Same) and for Attorney’s
Fees and Costs, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section
Tentative Ruling:
To deny the motion to compel plaintiffs and cross-defendants Morris and Lucille Srabian (“the Srabians”) to issue acknowledgment of satisfaction of judgment, or, in the alternative, to have the clerk of the Court enter the same, on the ground that acknowledgments of full satisfaction of judgment have been entered, and the motion is therefore moot.
To deny the request for attorney fees and costs pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 724.050.
On October 24, 2019, defendant and cross-complainant Larry K. Buehner
(“Buehner”) filed this motion to compel the Srabians to file acknowledgments of satisfaction of judgment with the Court, or, in the alternative, to have the clerk of the Cou