Nature of Proceedings: OSC-Contemp/Req. for Order: Modification Child Support/Spousal Support

Father’s OSC re Contempt filed against mother

Mother’s RFO seeking modification of support


1. The OSC re contempt appears ready; the Court will arraign mother; when will mother be ready for trial?

2. Mother’s RFO makes a lot of sense; father’s I&E and supporting declaration regarding his efforts to seek employment were disingenuous and essentially useless. First of all, he refuses, on two separate declarations, to report his assets; unaccountably he reports “unknown.” Additionally, he had the opportunity to seek employment with “The Joint” and elected to do that only when repeatedly pressed by mother. His efforts, in general, to find any employment was dismissal. In summary, the Court finds his participation to be unpersuasive. Thus the Court will:

A. Modify the current order to reflect mother’s current income of $3,500/mo wages and $1,905/mo self-employment income. The Court im