Nature of Proceedings: Motion Quash/Protective Order
This is plaintiffs’ motion to quash and motion for a protective order

Ruling: Denied; the deposition will be taken pursuant to the terms and conditions set out in the analysis.

Background: Plaintiff Richard Steiner, now 51, was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2009. Richard Steiner filed this action, with his wife Christie Steiner as co-plaintiff, based upon his occupational exposure to asbestos products; albeit the defense (there are 16 defendants in the case) contends it is case involving a “long-term smoker who developed squamous cell carcinoma.” The complaint was filed on March 23, 2010, in Los Angeles County Superior Court. While pending in Los Angeles, the action, as complex asbestos litigation, was subject to court asbestos general orders, which require plaintiffs to provide substantial discovery to defendants. The action was transferred to Santa Barbara Superior Court in February 2011. This Court granted a “preferenc