Nature of Proceedings: Motion Quash Writ of Execution/Staying Enforcement of Judgment; Claim of Exemption (4)
Motion for orders quashing writ of execution, staying enforcement of judgment and awarding fees. Claim of exemption.


The motion to quash is granted; the request for attorneys’ fees is denied; the claim of exemption is moot.


After court trial, the court issued its tentative ruling on August 20, 2012, ruling in favor of plaintiff Wallace and against defendant Springall, and awarding Wallace $290,000. On August 30, 2012, Springall filed her request for statement of decision. On September 11, 2012, the Statement of Decision was filed. On September 24, 2012, the judgment, which had been approved as to form by both parties’ counsel, was entered. Plaintiff obtained a writ of execution, and an abstract of judgment, that same day, and filed the Notice of Entry of Judgment on September 25, 2012. Springall filed Objections to the Statement of Decision and