Nature of Proceedings: Motion Protective Order/Sanctions; Compel Discovery/Sanctions
(1) Motion of Defendants Cottage Health System and Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital for Protective Order and for Sanctions

(2) Motion of Plaintiffs Alan Moelleken, M.D., Allan Moelleken, M.D., Inc., and Carrillo Surgery Center, Inc. to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions Rulings

Based upon the arguments and evidence presented, and good cause appearing therefrom, the court rules on the motions as follows:

(1) The motion of defendants Cottage Health System and Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital for protective order and for sanctions is denied.

(2) The motion of plaintiffs Alan Moelleken, M.D., Allan Moelleken, M.D., Inc., and Carrillo Surgery Center, Inc. to compel discovery is granted in part and denied in part. Defendants Cottage Health System and Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital are to provide responses conforming to the Code of Civil Proc