Nature of Proceedings: Motion Mod CC/CS/Set Trial
This case has been heavily litigated and we are now in the 5th volume of the clerks’ records.
On April 12, 2010, the Court appointed Evaluator filed a lengthy report and sets out her recommendations. The report is very thorough and complete; it is persuasive.
On 9/24 mother filed a motion seeking to modify the existing order that gives her “supervised visitation” with the two minor children (girls ages 10 and 12) that was entered in March 2009; she seeks joint legal custody and joint physical custody with a 50-50 time-
share and “unsupervised visitation.”
Mother filed a financial declaration; works as a substitute teacher; she is 46 years old; earned $1,415 last month and averaged $981/mo over the last 12 months (plus $300/mo unemployment compensation; has $4,000 in cash; her living expenses are $2,693/mo of which $950 is paid by her daughter (age 17) who lives with her; has credit card debt of $21,409; has paid her attorne