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  • CACH, LLC VS LISA DUNN(09) Limited Rule 3.740 Collections - under 10,000 document preview
  • CACH, LLC VS LISA DUNN(09) Limited Rule 3.740 Collections - under 10,000 document preview
  • CACH, LLC VS LISA DUNN(09) Limited Rule 3.740 Collections - under 10,000 document preview
  • CACH, LLC VS LISA DUNN(09) Limited Rule 3.740 Collections - under 10,000 document preview


MC-012 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME Mandanch SB 220693 Christopher D DaVId CMcGaffey 88315632 F'RM NAME MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP STREET ADDRESSP O BOX 109032 CTTYChicago STATE IL ZIP CODE 60610 TELEPHONE No 877 285 4918 FAX No 818 888 1260 EIE E-MAIL ADDRESS callfornla@mandanchlaw com mm ETEEE'" Cam ufCaIIForn-a. CIT-my ofiin Hm CACH, LLC ATTORNEY FOR (name) m 2/2/2021 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO STREET ADDRESS400 COUNTY CENTER MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND Zip CODE REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 BRANCH NAME SOUTHERN BRANCH PLAlNTlFF‘CACH, LLC DEFENDANT'LIsa Dunn, an Indlwdual MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CASE NUMBER CLJ523455 CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST 1 m Postjudgment costs a. IcIaIm the foIIowmg costs after Tudgment Incurred Withm the last two years (indicate If there are multiple items in any category): (1) Preparing and issumg abstract ofjudgment $ 0 00 (2) Recording and Indexmg abstract Ofjudgmeni $ O 00 (3) FIImg notice OfJudgment hen on personal property $ 0 00 (4) Issumg wnt of execution, to extent not satusfled by Code CIv Proc.. 9/9/20 $ 40 00 § 685 050 (speczfy county) SAN MATEO (5) Levymg ofcers by Code Cw. Proo , fees, to extent not satlsed $ 35 00 § 685.050 or wage garmshment (6) Approved fee on appllcatlon for order for appearance ofJudgment $ 0 00 debtor, or other approved costs under Code Civ. Proc.. § 708.1 1O et seq. (7) Attorney fees, If allowed by Code Cw. ProcV, § 685.040 $ 0 00 (8) Other Reglstered Process Servefswfu’e Bumorllmg 0030 C C P. 685.070(e) $ 0 00 (9) Total of cIaImed costs for current memorandum of costs (add Items (1)—(8)) $ 75 00 b. AII preVIousIy allowed postjudgment costs 3 25 00 c. Total of all postjudgment costs (add Items a and b) 3 ]QQ QQ 2. Credits to interest and principal a 0 00 I acknowledge total payments to date In the amount of: $ (including returns on levy process and direct payments). The payments received are applied first to the amount of accrued Interest, and then to the Judgment prInCIpal (Including postjudgment costs allowed) as follows: credit to accrued Interest $ 0 00 000 ; credIt tojudgment princrpal S . b. Principal remaining due: The amount ofJudgment prInCIpal remaining due Is $ 2 453 62 (See Code Clv.Proc.,§ 680 300 3. Accrued interest remaining due: I declare interest accrumg (at the legal rate) from the date of entry or renewal and on balances from the date of any partial satisfactions (or other credits reducing the prinCIpal) remaining due Inthe amount ot $1747 01 4. lam the. E iudgmentcreditor E1 agentforthejudgmentcreditor m attorney for thedgment creditor. I have knowledge of the facts concerning the costs claimed above. To the best of my knowledge and b-,the costs claimed are correct, reasonable, and necessary, and have not been satisfied. Ideclare under penalty of perju under the laws of the State of California that the foregomg Is t Qe and Date November 20, 2020 Man Christopher D arich, DaVId C MCGaffey > PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) (TYPE/6R l NOTICE TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR this memorandum of costs is fiied at the same time as an application for a writ of execution, any statutory costs, not exceeding If $100 in aggregate and not already aliowed by the court, may be included In the writ of execution The fees sought under this memorandum may be disatlowed by the court upon a motion to tax led by the debtor, notWIthstanding the fees having been included In the writ of execution. (Code CIv. Proc., § 685,070(e).) A motion to tax costs claimed in this memorandum must be filed WithintO days after sewice ofthe memorandum (Code Civ. Proc., § 685.070(c) ) of 2 Page 1 “3"“ Ad°p‘edf°rMa“d3‘°W use Judicaal Counclt of California MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, Code of CIVII Procedure, §§ 655 040, 685 070, 695 220 Mc-szRev Septemberi.2o18I ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0F CREDIT, AND DECLARATION WWW courts ca gov 0F ACCRUED INTEREST MC~012 Short Tle CACH, LLC v Lisa Dunn, an Indmdual CASE NUMBER CLJ523455 PROOF OF SERVICE MMail E: Personal Service 1 At the time of sewlceIwas at least 18 years of age and not a party to thls legal action. 2 My reSldence or busmess address Is Mandarlch Law Group, LLP. P.O. Box 109032, Ch1cago, IL 60610 3. m l malled or personally dellvered a copy of the Memorandum of Costs After Judgment, Acknowledgment of Credit, Declaration of Accrued Interest as follows (complete either a or b). and a. Mail. l am a reeldent of or employed In the county where the mall occurred. (1) lenclosed a copy In an envelope AND (a) E deposited the sealed envelope wrth the United States Postal Servzce wnth the postage fully prepaid (b) placed the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown In Items below followmg our ordinary business practices. l am readlty familiar wrth thus busrness's practice for collecting and processmg correspondence for marllng. On the same day that correspondence Is placed for collectlon and mallmg, It ls deposed ln the ordinary course of busmess wrth the United States Postal Servrce 1n a sealed envelope wrth postage fully prepaid (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows (a )Name of person served Llsa Dunn Address 0“ (b) envelope- 450 89TH ST , DALY CITY CA 94015 (c) Date of mailing. (d lPlace of marling (City anogéyeg 12021 Icago, IL b. D Personal delivery. l personally delivered a copy as follows. (1 )Name of person served. (2) Address where delivered: (3) Date delivered: (4) Time delivered ldeclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 'JAN 23 4173 Date V mam ”dish“ HYPE on PRINT NAME) > WA 6 V . (SlNATURE OF DECLARANT) 7 Mom [RevSeptember20ml 1. MEMORANDUM 0F cosrs AFTER JUDGMENT, Page: on ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0F CREDIT, AND DECLARATION