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  • DELANDOVERDE, MAYRA GOMEZ vs COSTCO WHOLESALEPremises Liability: Unlimited  document preview
  • DELANDOVERDE, MAYRA GOMEZ vs COSTCO WHOLESALEPremises Liability: Unlimited  document preview


£90!“ 0 COURT SUPERIOR OF STANI’SLAUS COUNTY STATE OF CALIFORNIA Date 1/14/2021 Case PF 51 I199: CV72 0-002670 DEF“ , . . . . .. . Dan: 24 . DELAN DOVERDE, MAYRA' GOMEZ ysGOSTCO'WHOLESALE Judge Sonny. 5 52620Male? ..... air-"- -S'andhu -_ _ Reporter ., This cause came On regularly for. .()Cou'rt Trial 0- SUrnmary Judgment C) =Motibn ()Recorded ._ of Exemption ()StIppIementary'Proceedings () Claim of Right to Poss. _(')_ Demurrer () Contempt r/nmxfai O )Cla' ourt' s Motidn to Dismiss E501. , L ' (0 _ . It ale/“I9 _ _ flab) . I{7£11564 __ for/to/by_ _ " . Ni). 77101104 ,~PEA 5 . n-M 1/550“ I. '1 3/115 1 2 I ' . IPIaintiff/Crossi-Defend-Ant Defendan't/Cross-Complainant/CIaim‘ant Opening statements by __ _ and WitnesSes called by Plaintiffs): " _ Exhibitspre‘sented-by PIaihtiff_(s): Id IE 1. swérn L. __ _ . __[;J [:1 '2'. . . 2, . .... - [I] =['] _ sworn" _ SWO rn Moti :3 ed. III (E I WitneSses-called'byfbefendajnfls): Exhibits presented'by De'fendahfls‘"): Id IE '1'. _ _ -_sworn L _ [I -[.'] 2; ._ .sy'yom ... 2... _ . . - [1L] '3. .Isworn .3_ ... .. . _ _ __ __.[_]:[..]' (-)'Thereupon,.hea'rInQWas held,,and the Court has considerediallith'e evidence. f') after arguments, Court ordered cause submitted. ( ThereIIpon, ()T reupon, the parties stipulated said cause may WHEREUPON IT Is ORDERED that the .. be submitt 7.8L d on:p eadi' ID . . 9.0 Ito MIMI Er' PJDF’BVQ . ishere L , ). (: ALLOWED] DISALLOWED/ MODIFIED WSTAINEDéSQITEIERU Ultm%g;22tr ,daygeavezt ind e-(,j.);._suppieméhtary Frogs ,ings () Contempt Hearingas 'to judgment debtOr (_)yheld and C.) sworn, examined and discharged. 0 Failed toappear. Bench Warrant/Warrantof. Attachment $_.... issued,() stayed () cash only; (:)FOund'In contempt. ()--fined$ () serve —____ () recalled. days"Injail', '0 B Iis. ordered: ()exonerated, (,)applied to 'dgment, ()malntarned as Is L_ (rYfaereupon ()Uponjoint stipulation. ( at‘the request of: () ‘(VPEintiff ()IDefeI'Idé‘nt ”()ICourt' reSpective Coun5e| censenting, 0-over the objection of: () Plaintiff () Defendant (') court () (_- () Ion shall be: ()- ‘-Dl (‘).with 0 )-withdut, prejudice. L,‘( or-da /gen-7M DROPPED MISSED, filmed to ., . . ’ at". ‘L ,M in Dept. O75 " orma’? . .L ()date($) of () () vacated and d gig-'7" ‘ are conf'rmed ( ) new date(s) of_ C. H are-.set fie” '(. ) WHEREUPON, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that- the. Plaintiff do have and redover Rent; Damages; C9515; __ _ : AttrIy.'Fees: Princ'ipalé: .. IntereSt: _.V ( )_ Tenancy terminated ( ) Lease/rental agreement forfeited {) Writ'to-issue. Plaintiff (_.) not restoreto po. - ma . Other. - . - ' 2z 85-5;an ' 802674 5'03 MINUTE ORDER. reV'1Q/25/18‘eiody