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  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview
  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview
  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview
  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview
  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview
  • Estate of  Swihart, Linda SelineDecedent's Estate document preview


1 Michael A. llackard (SBN 71067) DaveC. Jones (SBN 237 196) 2 Hackard Law, a PLC 10630 Mather lllvd. 1/8/2021 3 Mather, CA 95655 1>: (916) 313-3030 4 F: (9 16)226-5177 5 Anomeys for Objecror CHRISTOPHER SWIHART, SR. by and 6 through his GAi. l)ANl!iL COi .i .iNS 7 8 lN Tl I" SUPERIOR- (:OIJRT o~ TI m STAT~; 01' CALI l'ORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTIE 9 PROBATE DMSION 10 In Re the Es1alc of Case No.: I 81'R00450 11 LINDA SELINE S\v1HART, VERfF'ICATION TO.APPLICATION Of· DAVE C. JONES FOR PRO HAC VICE 12 - - - - - -----···-·------·--·-- Al>MITl"ANCt•; ROGER DOl>D TO T IU: ·CALIFORNIA BAR 13 CHRISTOPHER W. SWIHART, SR., by and through his (.ruardian Ad !.,item, DANlEJ, A.:;si.rt,Jled 10 Judge T.L. Mosbarger 14 C'OLLINS. Objecl.i(>n Filed: 26 0.c2018 15 Objec-tor. Trial Date: 22 Feb 2021 Time: 8:30 a.m. 16 11.,...,.;ng Dopt.: I 17 Hearing Date: 19 Jan 2021 H""ring Time: 9:00a.m. [8 11-- -- - ----------~ 19 I, ROGER DODD. doclorc that I have read the previously submitted VliRlf lEr> 20 Al'l'l..l(;ATION OF DAVE C. JONES FOR PRO HAC VICE ADMITTANCE OF ROGER DODD TO 21 l l f l:l CALI rORNIA UAR and the SUPPLE1'1El-ffAL DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF 22 APPLICATION OF l)A VE C. JONES FOR PRO HAC VICE ADMITTANCE OF' ROGER DODD TO 23 Tl Ill CALIFORNIA BAR, nnd know the contents the.reof. lfcalled to give live testimooy to the 24 foregoing fact<: I woul.d tcslH.Y to tht:,same. 25 I declare under the pe.naJties and pajn orpt:rjury undf..-rthc lawsofthcstateofCaJifornia that the 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 Ill foregoiog is U'Ue and correct, and that this Verification was signed by me on the date w indicaied 2 herein. 3 E.xccutcd on Jonuary 7, 2021 at Park City, Utah. 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO ll 12 13 14 )5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l The Estate of Linda Seline Swihart Butte County Superior Probate Court Case No. 18PR00450 2 3 PROOF OF SERVICE 4 I am employed in the County of Sacramento, state of California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within-entitled action. My business address is 10630 Mather Boulevard, 5 Mather, CA 95655. My electronic service address is I 6 electronically served the following document: 7 VERIFICATION (Re Roger Dodd Pro Hae Vice Application) 8 BY EMAIL: (to individual persons) By electronically transmitting the document(s) listed 9 above to the email address(es) of the person(s) set forth below. The transmission was 10 reported as complete without error. Pursuant to California Emergency Rule of Court 12(b), See also See Rules of Court 2.260. 11 12 Counsel for C. Harvey and R. Brunson Counsel for GAL Christopher Swihart Jr.: John J. Rank Raymond L. Sandelman 13 14 Counsel for C. Harvey and R. Brunson Counsel for Deborah Pelak: 15 Donald J. Sweet Jane E. Stansell 16 17 State Bar of California: 18 George J. Bursiago 19 20 I declare under penalty of perjury, according to the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 8, 2021, at Sacramento, California. 21 22 23 ~ ot 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE