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  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview
  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview
  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview
  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview
  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview
  • Aspire General Insurance Company, a corporation vs. Saroj Khanolkar09 Limited - Rule 3.740 Collections Over $10,000 document preview


EJT-005 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO-i FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: (SBN 241697) Christina E. Kim, Esq. McMahon, Molinelli & Phan FIRM NAME: Gilsleider, STREETADDRESS:2300 Clayton Road, Suite 430 CITY:Concord STATE: CA ZIPcooE: 94520 TELEPHONENo.:(925) 446-31 15 FAx No; E; “K ADDRESS E-MAIL ATrORNEY Fomname):Saroj Suhas Khanolkar and Swapna Palav H *3 E; D g SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO 0C? i g 2020 1130 STREET ADDRESS: 0 Street MAILING ADDRESS: FRESNO SUPERIOR COURT cITYANDZIP CODE: Fresno, CA 93721 ‘ Ry BRANCH NAME: DEpuTy PLAINTlFF/PETITIONERI Aspire General Insurance Company RECEIVED DEFEN T/R ENT SaIOJ Suhas Khauolkar, et a1 FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OTHER: By: E. Duque-Perez. Deputy ORDER 0N REQUEST To OPT OUT 0F 3325353253?“ MANDATORY EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL PROCEDURES The court has reviewed the request to opt out, along with any objectionthereto,and makes the following orders: 1. E The court grants the request.The case willnot proceed under the mandatory expedited jury procedures. 2. E The court denies the request to opt out for the following reason(s): ?’-wun needs more ihformation t0 decide whether togrant the fequest. Name and A hearing isset on the date below: address of courtif from above: different Hearing Date Date Dept" LU— _H_O'+_ Z-C Time: R°°m= ——— ®' 6 ___ ‘_ I Superior Court of Cali fomla cw" Dmsmn 1130 O Street Fresno CA 93724 " County of Ffesno Request for Accommodation Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real- time captioning. or sign language interpreter services are available you ask at least 5 days before the date on which you are if to appear. Contact the clerk's office or go to www. courts. ca. gov/forms for Request forAccommodations by Persons and Response with Disabilities (form MC-41 0). (Civ.Code, § 54. 8.) Date: /&/// 24% JUDICIAL OFFICER Clerk’s Certificate of Service certify thatam not a party to this action and (check one): D l l A certificate E E I of mailingisattached. handed a copy of this order to the applicant listedabove, at the court, on the date below. This order was mailed first class, postage paid. to the applicant at the address listed above, from (city): , on the date below. California Date: By: DEPUTY CLERK Page1o!1 ‘ C°de°fc'v" Pr°°edurev§63°~2° Fowwovesiforomionawse Councd of Calrfomla JudICIal ORDER 0N REQU EST To OPT OUT 0F Rules of Court. rule 3.1546(c) Cal. EJT-oos [NewJuIy 1. 20161 MANDATORY EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL PROCEDURES www.courts-ca-gov PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA ) Iam employed in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, |am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is2300 Clayton Road, Suite 430 OCOWVOU‘IACOMA Concord, CA 94520-2142. On October 12, 2020, lserved the foregoing document described as ORDER ON REQUEST TO OPT OUT OF MANDATORY EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL PROCEDURES on the parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST D BY MAIL: lam "readily familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice itwould be deposited with U.S. postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Concord, California, in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. D BY PERSONAL SERVICE: l caused such envelope to be delivered by hand to the offices of the addressee. D BY OVERNIGHT MAIL: Iarranged for such envelope to be delivered to the addressees as listed on the service list. D ‘BY FACSIMILE: ln addition to regular mail, lsent this document via facsimile to the numbers as listed on the service listand pursuant to CCP §101 3(e). M BY ELECTRONIC NNNNNNNNN—A—LAAAAAAAA SERVICE: |sent this document via electronic transmission to the offices of the addressees as listed on the service list and pursuant to CCP §1010.6. E (State) | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above and ’ istrue correct. D (Federal) |declare that | am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. Executed on October 12, 2020, at Concord, California. é’assidi M. Ryan 1 PROOF 0F SERVICE SERVICE LIST Brian P. Tapper, Esq. Law Offices of Todd F. Haines ELECTRONICALLY SERVED TO:; 30495 Canwood Street, Suite 100 Agoura (DmVQO‘IAOOMA Hills, CA 91301 (818) 597—2240/(818) 597—2120 (F) Attorney for Plaintiff Aspire General Insurance Company mflmmAWNdowmflmmAwN—‘O NNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA 2 PROOF OF SERVICE