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  • PETITION ON COLEOther Probate With At Least One Hearing document preview
  • PETITION ON COLEOther Probate With At Least One Hearing document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF YOLO PROBATE MINUTE ORDER JUDGE: DANIEL M WOLK DATE: 09/03/2020 CASE NO: PR-2020-140 } P22019-77CF4 ) TITLE: PETITION ON DEAN PROCEEDINGS: PETITION 4 tovovyhul Tauing CLERK: W@toster RELORTER: APPEARANCES tAPresent Elizabeth Dear WIByAttys: Co Sidep-Ge-ouneet: eit Cor E. Nan; NEXT SCHEDULED APPEARANCE — cree 41 ODate 10 //p/ 2 Time. For_fiun A Rowe Dept, ¢ 2G AE-GLO Dn 3 0 Continued by court's motion (Cie) 40 Continued by parties motion (CPM) 5 J Dropped from calendar at the ssauest of: ae U8, iS 30 pn EVIDENCE TAKEN +? 10Sworn:, 20Sworn:. BIDS 1 OOBids presented 2 ONe bids REPORTS 1 CiCourt Acknowledges receipt of Investigators Report filed 2 DOther. ORDERS 1 OPetition GRANTED AS PRAYED 2 DPetition DENIED 3 OW! OCodicil admitted to probate 4 DAccount approved, settled & allowed § ODistribution as prayed 6 OLetters to issue 7 OFinai Distribution ordered pela ? 8 C1 Parties referred to FLF for referral to mediation 9 OCourt orders reimbursement of Court Investigator Fees in the sum of $, 400 Other orders: 9 OTemporary orders remaining in effect pending further order of the Court 100Order signed in open Court Osubmitted to : for filing 1100 to prepare and file the order FEES 1 OFees granted as prayed 2 OF ees for: Counsel $ Guardian $ Conservator $, Trustee $ Public Def. $ 3 ODeferred:. 4 Olxtraordinary fees to Counsel granted as prayed to 5 Oxtraordinary fees to Counsel granted in a lesser amount to For $ 6O1Bond in the amount of $. 7 OBrokers commission allowed in the amount of, :