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  • DZHANGETOV VS. DZHANGETOVDissolution With Minor Children document preview
  • DZHANGETOV VS. DZHANGETOVDissolution With Minor Children document preview
  • DZHANGETOV VS. DZHANGETOVDissolution With Minor Children document preview
  • DZHANGETOV VS. DZHANGETOVDissolution With Minor Children document preview


Boum SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF YOLO FSD MINUTE ORDER COMMi/JUDGE: MR. DENNIS A. UMANZIO DATE: 09/15/2020, TIME: 1:30 PM CASE NO.: FL-2013-1456 TITLE: DZHANGETOV VS, DZHANGETOV PROCEEDINGS: *REQUEST FOR ORDER: MODIFICATION CLERK: CRG {p_ REPORTER: | Appearances: + Engr ela _ABOCSS Attn: £ Oar.d ¢ present > O WiBy Atty Other: present espondent/Defendant O WIBy Ath OO WiBy Atty | Eintgrnr ieee ere see Salt ue ~ (X) COURT COMMISSIONER admonishes all parties that, absent objection, this matter will be heard by a Commissioner acting as a temporary judge pursuant to Family Code 4251. (X) Family code 17404 advisement given. OObjection made by: O Plaintiff/Petitioner ORespondent/Defendant per FC 4251 OCourt finds that a certified/registered interpreter is not! available and all parties waived the need for one. Court finds that good cause exists to allow ,'amember of County DCSS staff, to interpret on the matter and that he/she was determined to be provisionally qualified to interpret for the matter. Further Court Hearing: Hl Warrant Ordered: (Def Ordered to appear unless notified by local DCSS O Court orders Civil Bench Warrant of Owith counsel Land other parent at next court date to be Hissued Dstayed to. 0 Referred to Family Law Facilitator ODaytime service only DExpires in one year in Dept__ at____for. \ OBail Bond forfeited in Dept___ at_____for. i OWarrant ordered on is recalled by Court Hearing: O Contested 0 Uncontested 11 Uncontested with exception of the issue regarding, O Debtor Exam held O is sworn and examined O Matter dropped from calendar O Stipulation Reached and Osubmitted/Liforthcoming to court for approval as to form. Witnesses sworn and examined for: Exhibits: Plaintiff/Petitioner Plaintiff/Petitioner MA [|__| {__| Respondent/Defendant : Respondent/Defendant MA T L Findings/Orders: { OObligor shall conduct a diligent work search per FC 4505 every month and shall provide to DCSS a list of at least names, addresses, and telephone numbers of places where the party has applied for employment. Search shall begin forthwith with the first “list” of job searches to be provided to the DCSS agency on and by the ____ of each month thereafter. Defendant shall notify BCss within 48 hours of obtaining employment. This search shall continue until employment is obtained or until further order of the Court. vu Defendant Other Parent shall, within 10 days-27 Give written notice to the DCSS of any changes in employment or home address D give written notice of the name, address and phone number of his/her parole/probation officer to DCSS D Defendant/Respondent DPetitioner/Other Parent shall complete, file and serve on all parties an Income and Expense Declaration with proper documentation attached (W-2's! last 3 paychecks, etc.). 1] Must be filed with the court on or before. .O Parties shall attach their Proof of Service upon all parties/counsel and the local DCSS agency of record of their filed Income and Expense Declarations 0 Tax returns for shall be exchanged Lifted with court. Tr0css_F- ) shall prepare the formal order and attach the Court's Child Support Findings and Notice of Rights ‘and Responsibilities, if applicable. 0 Submit to Counsel as to form 01 Counsel waives approval as to form O Petitioner/Respondent waives approval as to form. q ‘atitioner/Respondent to make arrangements with the local DCSS agency to approve Order as to form. SULvIU nut wo in ok qe Ere Caulk O County shall prepare Notice of Soe Gomatibe and serve — all parties/counsel of record. 1 Defendant makes an Uncontested Turnover payment of $. ___. Court verifies defendant placed into marked envelope. Court seals envelope and bailiff hands envelope to DCSS Attn: . DCSS shall provide proper crediting and receipt to defendant.O Court Consolidates case(s) Other Orders: Further Orders: DBased upon a preponderance of the evidence 0 by a and judgment shall enter. U Defendant 0 Other Parent shall present themselves . Case js now lead case dmission, that; 0 paternity 01 maternity has been established O and the minor.child/children for genetic testing as arranged by the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS). 1 Defendant shall reimburse Yolo County for genetic testing costs in the amount of $. __ A low income adjustment is warranted |Child support shall be paid as follows by: Father _Aimiother ased on evidence 1 by Stipulation [1 Pendente lite; based on court's findings attached hereto: $_5 * per month for FULY: for the period_G, af 3030 _U Arrears $. per month fo for the period D Arrears $. per month for for the period. S c \ O Arrears $_oipier month for, for the period. 0 Arrears OU Court finds total welfare-assigned arrears to be $. for the period (inclusive). OPrincipal: $. Interest: $. C Court finds non-welfare assigned arrearages to be $ for the period. (inclusive). O Principal: $. Interest: /$, An Payments shall be made to-£f Yolo County Dept of Child Support Services (DCSS) O Other Parent > 7-41 Awage assignment is authorized for the collection of: -2/Current support in the amount of $. .O per month, due by the last day of each and every month. Arrearages: Din the amount of $. per month; 4 reasonable amount per month. 21 Department of Child Support Services may collect by ary and alll legal means. Health insurance shall be provided for inechideicrey henever available at cost or at reasonable cost by U Mother Father O Both parents, Court reaffirms previous order(S Each parent shall,-21 comply with Family Code 4063 regarding uninsured health care cost procedures and shall pay their respective one-half share for the minor child/children JA pay their respective one-half share of work related child care. C1 Based on the County's evidence submitted, Court orders Child Support modified as obligor has no earnings nor earning ability due to incarceration/SSI/SSP. Obligor is ordered to contact DCSS upon his/her release from prison/jail or upon any changes in his/her SSI/SSP status and or contact DCSS upon obtaining employment and shall provide parole officer name, address and phone information. ' 4A Step Down/Step Up language is ordered. Child Support shall be reduced to zero at any time obligor finds him/her self incarcerated and or on aid sts OR NSS BO. Contempt Proceedings: I OCitee has been advised there are. counts of contempt alleged pursuant to CCP section 1290 OCitee has been advised of the maximum penalty of days in county jail and/or days of community service for a total of days (per CCP 1218) OCitee has been advised of their rights OPleads Guilty/ Pleads Not Guilty LiTime for trial is Waived/ Not Waived OPublic defender appointed OPrivate counsel to be retained Counsel waived The Court Finds: : OCitee knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived their rights DThere are valid orders of the Court OCitee had knowledge of the-orders and violated the order by: DCitee has freely and voluntarily admitted to the violations: OCitee is Oguilty Dnot guilty of the contempt of court for the following counts alleged in the order to show cause and affidavit for contempt: i OCitee has previous finding of contempt: i OTime for sentencing is OWaived ONot Waived | OCitee accepts the County's previous plea offer as follows:. | |