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  • Phh Mortgage Corporation v. Ana Maria Weaver, Matthew J. Weaver, Usaa Federal Savings Bank, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Subject PROPERTY, DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Phh Mortgage Corporation v. Ana Maria Weaver, Matthew J. Weaver, Usaa Federal Savings Bank, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Subject PROPERTY, DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 08/12/2019 12:22 PM INDEX NO. E2019-651 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/13/2019 STAT)lMENT9F AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC FIIJNG {Managing Attqrney Authorižing Filing Agent Entity) I,Sara Z. Boriskin , Esq.,( AttorneyF gistratiop.No. m e in charge of for RAS LLC Boriskin.. ' mâñaging attorney of/attorney e-filing . (the"Firm"), Ihereby acknowledge and represetitthatthe atto,rneysin the Firinwlio areauthorized usersof the New York State Electronic .System· authorize employee of Filing ("1¶YSCEF") hereby any Provest,LLC . who possesses a NYSCEF filingagent m to documents file on theirbehalf and at theirdirection,as a filing agent, in any e-filed matter inwhich they are counsel of record throughNYSCEF, as pi·ovidedin Seótion.202.5-b of theUnifornrRules for the TrialCourts. . - This authorization pxtends to any.consensual.matter inwhich these attorneyshave previously consented toe-filingormayhereafter consent, .to any mandatory matfer inwhich they have recorded theirrepresentation and to anymatter inwhich they author}zethe filiqg agent to record consent or represenya.tionisthe NYSCEF system. This authorization.exten†s to.arlyand.alFdocuments thëseattorneys generate and subiifitto'fhe for'filipsin filiifg.ägent any such matter. This authorization,posted once on the '1WSCEF web·siteas toeacliniatterIn which these attorneys are counsel of record,shallbe deemed toaccompany any docugent inthat matter filedby the filingagent on bphalfof thes.e attorneys. . ... Where aμe tiáte ed Ýór fi iiicludessechie åel iiiforÏnätioníis forthin the E- ing FilingRules, will the filingagent and directthe filingagent to..markthat . notift Slocument%eduEe infl é NYSCEF systemcThese attorneys fitrtlier authorize the filingag'entto vie#su'ch Séc'ui•e iletudentsthat theyhate filedórt1iatthey generate andpubmit to the filing ' agent forfiling inany such inattei. .. .. . . . his uth6riznfan aldo extends td n a ers of aýi which alif, may make eitlièr liydebiting an account the filingagént láéinteiMñith the C àdthelied filingcounty ofbý debiting.anjiccount theFirm maintains witlithe C ófan) . . an h6rized e-filingtpulity. . .. .... . . . . iisauthorization regarding thisfilingagent shallcontinue untilthe.Firm revokes the authoriza foriinivriyiñ¼ n a pr scribed fofñideliverde totlieE Filing Re ó ente , . Westbury, NY 11590 ature City,5ta†e ãn?12ip Code SareeZ. Boriskin, sq 516-200 675 PrintName Phone . 1 of 1