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  • Michael Harrienger v. James Biccum, Kristi Biccum Torts - Other (Replevin) document preview


FILED: JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK 11/14/2019 01:23 PM INDEX NO. EF2019-00002267 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/14/2019 The Supreme Court of ] fferson County Dulles State Office Bu dino 3 17 Washington Street, 0'r'Floor Watertown, NY 13 01 Phone: (315) 2 21-5818 - Fax )t s) 266-+779 Deanna L. Morse 'l'erry A. Roos ChieJ Cle* DeputJ, Chief Cle* November 14, 2019 Justin Brothe(on, Esq. 200 Washinglon Street, Suite 401 Watertown, New York 13601 James Biccum 24163 County Route 67 Watertown, New York 13601 Kristi Biccum 24163 County Route 67 Watertow, New York 13601 RE: Michael Harrienger vs. James Biccum, al Index No.: EF20l9-2267 Dear Counselors The Court is in receipt of the Request for Judicial tion filed by Justin Brotherton, Esq. Please be advised that this matter has been assigned to Hon. J P. McClusky and a Preliminary Appearance Conference has be€n scheduled for Tuesday, Decem 17, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. Please provide the Court with copies ofthe pleadings, fied bill ofparticulars, and any other documents or slmopsis which you believe will be helpful in cond cting the conference at least one week prior to the conference date. S n .l ( \tr[, I e L D Senior Court e sistant 1 of 1