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  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview
  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview
  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview
  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview
  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview
  • Clear Creek Independent School District vs.  Lynns Landscaping Inc.Tax Delinquency document preview


NO. lO'I‘X0761 CLEAR CREEK INDEPENDEN'I‘ SCHOOL § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DIS'I‘RICT VS. § GALVES'I'ON COUNTY, TEXAS LYNNS LANDSCAPING INC. § [22ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGMENT On the 17th day of Dcccmbcr, 2010 came on to bc heard thc abovc-entitled and numbered cause and came the Plaintiffs Taxing District(s), whcthcr Plaintiffls). Intervenors(s) or Implcadcd l’lainliff(s), to wit: CLEAR CREEK INDEI’ENDEN'I' SCHOOL DISTRICT, CITY 0F LEAGUE CI'I‘Y AND GALVISS'I‘ON COUNTY 'l‘hc Dcfcndant(s) arc as follows: LYNNS LANDSCAPING INC. Said I)ctbndanl(s) have heretofore appeared and answcrcd. Thc Court, after hearing the evidence and reviewing the pleadings and affidavits on filc, and [he arguments 0f counsel, is of' [he opinion that Plaintiffs’ cause of action is quuidated and that the Judgment should bc granted and that the Plaintims) arc entitled to rccovcr of and from thc Dcfcndant(s) thc delinquent taxcs. pcnallics and interest for the years and in thc amounts as follows: Description: BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTYCONSISTING OF FURNITURE AND FIXTURES, INVENTORY AND EQUIPMENT, LOCATED IN GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS. (ACCOUN'I‘ NUMBER 8600-0673-0227-000/P414275) 'I'axing linit ‘I'ax Years 'l‘olul CLEAR CREICK [SD 2009 $1 |.|42 76 GALVICS'I‘UN COUNTY AND CITY 0F LEAGIE CITYI 2604 g gjs}.‘ 5 I'l‘ IS THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECRlilil) that the Plaintiff'taxing units, do have and rccovcr from thc Dcfcndanl(s), as indicated above, the total sum 0f money due for laxcs, penalties, interest, and altomey fees with intcrcst from thc datc of judgment until paid, at the rate ofone (1%) percent per month, plus all costs oi'coun, for which lcl execution issue. 1n -TX -0761 DOREOISAM Recommended 0n!" — Tax - Signed by Assn 118621 HI Hfllfllfl lflllllflllfllfllm I'l' IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DFCRFED that LYNNS LANDSCAPING INC, Plaintiffls), recover $125.00 for ascertaining thc name, identity and location ofncccssary parties and description ofpropcrly. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED. ADJUDGED and DECRIZED that all court costs incurred hcrcin arc taxed to the Defendant(s), LYNNS LANDSCAPING INC and the Plaintiff(s) arc allowed such writs and processes as may by necessary in thc enforcement and collection 0fthis Judgment. All other rclicf nol cxprcssly granted hcrcin isdcnicd. Signedlhisthe_______dayof' __,_.20]0. ' ' 'jLJ'bci'E'fiiiEfiDING APPROVH) AS '1‘0 FORM AND SUBSTANCE: l’IiRDUE, BRANDON, FlL-LDILR. COLLINS & MOM) L.L.P. 1235 NORTH LOOP WL'S'l’. SUI’I'E 600 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77008 (713) (713) BY: JASON W_ 862-1860 862-1429 SBO'I’ R. # [.. GREGORY (FAX) BAILI‘ZY 00700253 FAST E SBO’I’ i724007138 YOLANDA l~|U.\/1PHRF,Y SBO'I‘ # 24009764 ATTORNFYS 120R 'I‘Hli CLEAR CREEK INDEI’ENDEN’I' SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVE!) AS ‘IO FORM AND SUBS’I'ANCE: LINEBARGER‘ GOGGAN‘ 13mm & SAMPSON. L.L.I>. 518 0t“ Avu. N. 1&0. DRAWER 2789 'J‘EXAS CITY, TEXAS 77590 (409)948-3401 EXT. 204 (409) 945-9814 (FAX) BY$ BRFNT RICHBOOK SBN 16873300 ATTORNEY FOR GALVFSTON COUNTY& CITY OF LEAGUE (‘ITY