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Oo ON WD DH eB WN Ke Py YP PRP Ye Re YR KR PF Ee Be me Sea Aw BS GS fF SF FO we DARE BSS VANESSA HOLTON State Bar No. 111613 General Counsel ROBERT RETANA State Bar No. 148677 Deputy General Counsel DANIELLE A. LEE State Bar No. 223675 Assistant General Counsel OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA 180 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105-1639 Tel: (415) 538-2000 Fax: (415) 538-2321 Email: Attorneys for Plaintiff The State Bar of California Exempt from Filing Fees Pursuant to Government Code Section 6103 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 07/13/2016 Clerk of the Court BY:ROMY RISK Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA, Plaintiff, VS. MAXIMILIAN J.B. HOPKINS (SBN 133944), Defendant. Case No. CPF-16-515074 DECLARATION OF DANIELLE A. LEE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR ORDER VACATING JUDGMENT DATE: August 9, 2016 TIME: 9:30 a.m. DEPT: 302 RESERVATION NO.: 07120809-06 JUDGE: — Hon. Harold Kahn Declaration of Danielle A. Lee CASE NO. CPF-16-515074DECLARATION OF DANIELLE A. LEE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR ORDER VACATING JUDGMENT I, DANIELLE A. LEE, declare: 1. I am an attorncy at law licensed to practice before all courts of the State of California and am employed as an Assistant General Counsel in the Office of the General Counsel of The State Bar of California, attorneys for The State Bar of California. I am the attorney assigned to this case. I make this declaration in support of The State Bar’s Motion for Order Vacating Request for Entry of Judgment, Judgment, and Notice of Entry of Judgment. I have personal knowledge of the matters contained in this declaration and if called to testify to them could and would do so competently. As to those matters stated on information and belief, I believe them to be true. 2. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of the Request for Entry of Judgment, Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment that I signed on May 31, 2016. 3. On information and belief, my support staff mailed the signed judgment out either that same day, May 31, 2016, or the following business day, June 1, 2016, pursuant to regular office procedures. As such, the Request for Entry of Judgment, Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment was sent to the court for filing at the same time Mr. Hopkins was making a payment on June 1, 2016, clearing his outstanding balance. At that time the judgment was sent out for filing, neither I nor my support staff had no knowledge of Mr. Hopkins’ June 1, 2016 payment. 4. After Mr. Hopkins received a copy of the filed judgment, he alerted me to the fact that his payment had been made at the same time the State Bar filed the judgment. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at San Francisco, California on July 12, 2016. 7 AF 4 CLA Zt ae A Lee 4 MOTION FOR ORDER VACATING JUDGMENT; MEMORANDUM; DECLARATIONite A Eee ON BEI ‘Sale Ber manber, anc wdvasl: Fon COURT ise GLY ‘The State Bar of California ieee (415) 538-251 (415) 538-2321 5 raza: (415) 538- rote: I ET Manic Bar of Sani a CUPRROR COUNT OF CALFORMIs, COUNTY OF San Francisco steer anoraes: 460 McAllister Street MAILING ADCRESS: cry snpar cope: Sen Frencisco, CA $4102 BRAN Meximiiian J.5. Hopkins (SEN 133944) CASE NAME: Siale Bar of Califoraia Civil. CASE COVER 8 Gomplox Czse Designation IF : ow fy ci vases CO] counter (2) sotnser CFF" 16 5 15074 damarcied Filed with first eppsarance by datendent | “YS cxoseds $25,000) $25,000 orjeas) (Cal, Rulas of Court, ruia 3.402) SEPT, itams 1—2 below musi be comp!sted (see instructions on page 2). i) Gheck nie box Salo for the cass type tet beat descriies this case: Auto Tort Carseat Reovislonally Gomigiex Ch Lalgaton Ain (2) Breach of conirmsthverrerty (03) rites at Cet, rules J.490~8.208) Untnaured matorist (48) (J Rube 3.74? ectieetlons (69) 5 AniitrustTrada vegviation (03) | Dice PIPDANE (Pernonal InfuryProperty vl Ofter collections (08) |, Censtruction vaiect (10) | | QeinageWrongft! Deeth) Tort J insurance coverage (18) Maes tori (20) i Asbestos (04) TI otter consact 97 ‘Socuritis lidgetion (28) i 1 Predwat tabitey (24) Rew Frenery Cl Environrnsita¥ Texts tt (20) [ Modieal maipcactico (45) (J) Sraent domainviiverse [=] tneurenoe soverige deine aiieiog tomite | CI otter Puram 25) condsernation (14) ove es prowblonally commiee ose { Noe PUPDINO {Stim Text [EJ Wrongful eviction (23) types (41) | Susinass torvfenieir business proctioe (07) (Other reel property (25) payment of dudgment j ‘Chul righta (08) Uniewiul teiiner Enforcement of judgmaat (20) i = Detanseion (13) C2 Cemmarcia! (1) mtscalianoowe Civ Cesntalnt I Fraud (16) [J Rettiendai QZ [J rico en | | intotectual property (19) C4 Orups (80) [J otter compiaint (not section stove) “ Professione! nagiigance (25) eel Raview Miscolleneutee Civil Petiticn [] omer now PHeDAND tort (36) Co etiotwe 09 [1] Parinerstig end corcarate covemanca @t) | Employment Pesilen re: artiration ewerd (19) =} gine fut above) 4 } [J wrong termination (oe) [2 watt ot mandate (02) ppestion (not spectieg yo | [2 omer cizaigraert (15) [1 otmer jucieia! raview (59) _| . iniccasa LIis Le Jisnot comple: urstor rule 3.400 of the Culifomie ulas of Court. i the case i factors requiring exceptione! judicial management: 7 is eompisx, mart a. L_] Lame number of separately represented partias «—--d. [_} Large number of witisszes b._] itansive motion preciice raising diticuit crnovel 3, £3 Coordination with related actions panding In ora cr more soutis Bn issues that wii Se dne-consuming to resolve in oiher counties, strites, or counisios, or in a federal court ¢. ] Substantial emouni of documantary evkiance +, [J Sutexantial posiiudosnant judielai supondsion , fe dies souyh (chew: al that api): @.[4] monetery _b.[—] nonmonetery; Gectaratory or injunctiva netic? ¢. [punitive ber of causes cf action (spaciis): 3 Tuscon Tis G2isnet acts ection suit . ifthere are any av real ; cases, fis and seve ¢ noiice of related case. - carey USS Dae oe Ae Gonsrei Counsel we (RPE GA Pair FOR PARTY) thir it ie this. hest with drat filed I pO sading ( Cas cnses oF Cases » Pipe ‘Musi ile this cover chest ie paper in or De: seriall ‘V tiers Probate Code, Femily Coce, o: Walters end incUallons ade) {Gal Rules of Geut, woe Bee eran oe nay result in senstions. * Fhe thie cover ‘hea in addition to any cover sheet required by leced couri rule. ® if this case 's complex uncer nia S.400 et se. ofthe Call! Rules of Cur, you must serve g copy of this cover sheat on all ouiar pei jes to the avilon or preceeding, fiecions case under ruts 3.740 or a complex oxce, this cover simat wil Sa used for aistisics: Purposes orily. Bao tera SII. CASE COVER SHEET Cal, Ruta ied Go rls e296, 8228, 300-8,405, 3,70, Adminieteston, wd. 3.10 wwe. couttiniesa gow[NAWS, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUTIBER OR vARTY WITHOUT ATTOREY: WATEBAR OM a a 4 DANIBLLE A. LEE 223675 served for clerk's File Stamp THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA 180 HOWARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 538-2517 Facsimile: (415) 538-2321 ATTORNEY FOR (Naney Plaintiff, The State Bar of California SUPERIOR COURT GF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 1m @ 3 2016 COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: To 490 MoAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 (CMC OF THE COURT PLAATIFFIPETITOONER: Ly 2 CLCPERNES PENA Tho State Bar of California Bape Gm (DEFENDANT: PONDENT: ‘STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA NO. 1B. Hopkins (SBN 133944) €3-C-04580 (06-0-13452), 5 6-G-13306 (06-C-14081) ‘SUPREME COURT CASS HUBER: 8181681 REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, AND | CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT BY THE STATE BaROF © ()/ F ié-G45 97 GALIFORNIA 1 veo 1597 4 “The Order, Gaciaion or Opinion of tha Calliomia Supreme Court or the State Ber Court has bacome final and ite Clark Is requested to enter judgment immediately In conformity with the eazoinpenying documents: (] Table ibits — Aitachment il Ceriitied copies of the final Order, Decision or Gpinion of the Callforaia. Suprenvw Court or the State Bar Count & Ceriliied coples of tite ccitificate of cosis of tive Sials Bar Court o Ceriffied copies of Notics of Peyment ty the Client Security Fund (CSF) » fy Dated: _slaifte JUDGMENT ANG NOVICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT A certified copy ef the tinal erder, decision or opinion of the Cailfomis Supieme Court or iha Staie Bar Court has been filed with this Court. Judgment therefor is entarad as follows: PLAINTIFF RECOVER FROM DEFENDANT: $ *11,980.64 ior ciscipiinary costs impozexl pursuant to Business end Profeasions Coda section TTT 6085.1 Na). oA THE STATE BARGE CALs A Oe - py LE I, CLE f 7 Dal A. Ge, ASigihnt Genaral Counsel Note: Payment received In the amount of $5,000.00 on casa no. 2-0-04680 $ for payments made dy the Cllant Sacurliy Fund purauant to Businees and Professions —_—~_ Gade sssiion 149,5(¢), $ jor Client Security Fund processing fe(s), 5 for Clisnt Security Func interest charga(s). $ 395.00 for filing and etminisirative charge. s 12,375.64 TOTAL AMOUNT OF JUDGMENT Judgment entered __. & - 3 _-- Ail foes waived by the Court Including the adroinletrative ohare must bo reimbursed upon partial or full feeovery of the jidgment {Gov. Code, § §199.6(b}, (c}, and (dj}, Dated: —- EMI YUE eveeutica OntcsuiClerk JUN 08 2016 BF AR ae REQUEST rn Bus, & Prof, Coila, 86 6268.10¢a); une 6140.5(c); Cai. Rule of Coun, rule °.230F ENTRY OF JuDS! Page | of2 ghee caee (OLR AOD LACS ONPLAINIFFPETITIONER (Maing): ‘The State Ber of Californie. CASE NUMBER 16~515074 DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT (vame): Maximilian J.B. Hopkins CERTIFICATE OF MAILING |, the below-named Executive Officer/Clerk of tie abova-aniitiad ‘couri, do hereby certify thet | am not paiiy fo ihe cause herein, and that on this date | servad the Reauest for ‘Entry of Judomant, Judament, and Noiice of Entry of Judameut by the State Bar upon each pary or counsel namad below by danositine in the Mailed iSNCisco, California, one copy of the original dles/oai fad nergin in pe to cach address as siewn below with postage thereon Tully prepaid, saparate sealed envel Tha Staie Bar of Callfcrnia 180 Howard Stwat San Francisca, CA 94405 Dateu: TMC Oe YOR) eeecutve Offiven/Oiark i "i t oo ay. Arb Ney so — “8 Deputy Oferk Lf REQUE! Bus, & Prof. Coda, §6 BUGS. 40{a); a 8140.5(C); Cul, Rule cf Court, rule &.230F ENTRY 01 7 FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, Page 2 0f2 rENT, ANO NOTICE a WOGMENT 8Y THE STATE BAR OF CALIPGHEWA,(State Bar Court No. 03-0-04580 (05-0-13452), 06-G-133 06 (05-0-14081) Cons.) S181681 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA reLED emai En Bane MAY 2 § 2010 fave MAXIMILIAN J.B. HOPKINS on Discipline Tero K. Ohitich Clati r= ~~ —- Ls =i apuly - ‘The court orders that Maximilian J. B. Hopkins, State Bar Number 133944, is disbarred from the practice of lew in California and that his name is stricken for the roll of uitomeys. Maximilien J. 8. opkins must also comply with rule 9.20 of the California Rules of Court and perform the acts specified in subdivisions (2) and (c) of that rule within 30 end 46 calendar days, respectively, aiter the effective dete of thie order, Costs are awarded to the Sinto Bar in accordance with Bussiness and Professions Cade section 6086.10 and are enforceable both as provided in Business aud Professions Code section 6140.7 and as a money judgment. oy GEORGE Chief Justice J, Frederick IC, Ohirich, Cierk of the Supreme Cost of the Sime of California, do hereby certilly dat te proonding fy # tritscopy of ee onder of this Court a shew by fis records Of my office, Wiknoss my hand and the acei of the Cour: thisSTATS BAR COURT FOR STATE BAR COURT USH OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA L149 South Hill Sect Los Angelis, CA 90015-2299 FILED (213) 765-1400 WAR 24 200 A, To the Mauer of Wits ai MARIMILIAN J.B. HOPKINS, No, 133944 CLERKS OFFIC Momber of tha State Bar : CERTIFICATE OF COSTS-ORIGINAL MATTER CASE NO. (2): 08-0-04586, 6-0-1345), 0-0-1306, 06-0-14081 ! J, TAXABER COSTS of the Oftee of the Chief Thiel Comnral (ods Giv. Pros. $1033.5(6)). Reporters wansoxip: of Stew Bar Comt proceedings. Witness foes pursitent to Goyrinmaan Coda, Deposition cxpaires, iscoding ganscxipt and trevel nosis. Service of process, Photocopies of malibits propered by cuiside sacvica, Models and blawups of wihibis prepared by outaica eemvice. 2, REASONABLE COSTS PURSUANT TO FORMULA APPROVED BY THE ROARD OF GOVERNORS + Pm & Prot Code § GOS6I0Q)@)). BRNORS § U,iN%00 Base Chae, 8 1,857.00 Charge of $619 for Lnvestigedions over one, $ Mininnara charge for comsolidaiion mater. $ Resigaction change (# 89.00) gum ABASONABLE COSTS—Lacidantal expanses of the Office of the Chief Trial Counsel | 2 Re bat Gat: SEKI). $ 310.00 Cost for certifying court deeusents, ; 1288.00 Ca cota ik reo miei 276 649 baz $4736. Onl ieee mah HUTA 4, $16,980.64 SUBIOTAL by Briton. ThnKK,. Sergbr Adnvinisinaive Gopetron, Clic of Sentral Adminisvation 5. OTHSR REASONABLE COSTS OF THR STATS BAR COURT : $0000. min § og oo = | f | § 1698064 TOTAL OF ALL COSTS anes Leg of ee Si Dated: 3a2 Y-Lo Deputy Court Clerk, Office of the State Bar Court (Cost Forma 8/93CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE [Rats 62(b), Rules Proc; Code Civ, Pros., § 1013a(4)j am a Deputy Court Clerk of the State Bar Coust of California. | am over the age of sightean and nota pasty to the within proceeding. Punmeut to stendard court praatics, in the City aed County of Las Angeles, on Mrrth 24, 2010, I deposited a tine copy of the following document(s): CERTIFICATE OF COSTS in a seuled envelope for collection avd mixing ou that date 2s follows: by first-class mall, with postage theron fully propaid, through the United States Postal Service at Les Angeles, Celifomis, acldrossed ax follows: EDWARD 0, LBAR B89 3200 W. CENTURY BLYD 4345 LOS ANGELES CA 90045 ELIZABETH A. REIFLER, ESO PO BOX $575 SANTA ROSA. CA 95407 by intarofiice muil tough 2 facility regularly maintained by the Siate Bar of California addressed as fellows: Cydney T. Batchelor, Enforcement, San Francisco Susen L Kagan, Hoforcement, San Franciaco Thereby sertif that the foregoing is tre and correct. Executed in Los Angeles, Calffomis, on Bae Yee- Charles Netiles Deputy Court Cleak Steie Rar Court‘The document tp which this certificste is affixed is a full, true and corect copy of the original on file and of record in the Stete Bar Couct. ATTESTMatch 24, 2010 Stete Bar Court, Stars Bar of Californin,