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  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview
  • Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-Californiacivil document preview


cM-1,l0 ATTORNEY (Name, State Bat nLtolbeL and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY David F. Beach (SBN 127135) /Anne C. D'Arcy (SBN 232948) Perry Johnson Anderson Miller & Moskowitz.LLP E-FILED 438 l''irst Street, 4th Floor 7/19/2018 10:21 AM Santa lìosa, CA 95401 TELEeHoNE No 707-525-880U FAX; 1tJ7 -545-824'2 FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT E-MAIL ADDRESS (eptionat): beach@) I By: K. Daves, Deputy llevcrly I lcalthcarc-Calilì:rnia, Inc, dl¡a GLCI-lìr'esno, ATTORNÉY FoR lruaner: Dclòndants ct al, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF lìresno srREEïADDRESs, 1130 O Street MAILING ADDRESS: crrYANDZrPcoDE: Fresno, CA93722 BRANCH NAN4E: CiViI Central Division PLAI NTIFF/PETITION ER: lvl v DEFEN DANT/RESPONDENT: Beverly Ilealthcare-Califolnia, Inc. dba Golden and llevcrly I'leallhcale-Caliltrrnia, Inc. dba Golden L,ivingCcntcr.Clovis I-ivirrgCìcnterÌr'esno CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT CASE NUMBER (Check ane): Xl UttUn¡lfED CASË D UrVlltep CnSe 17CECG04065 (Amount demanded (Amount demanded is $25,000 exceeds $25,000) or less) A CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE is scheduled as follows: Date: August 6,2018 Time: 9:00 am Dept.: 305 Div Room Address of court (if different front the address above): Kl tUot¡ce of lntent to Appear by Telephon e, by (name); Anne C. D'Arcy INSTRUCTIONS: All applicable boxes must be checked, and the specified information must be provided. 1. Party or parties (answer one): a. l--l lnis statement is submitted by party (name); b. lXl ff'ls statement is submitted jointlyby parties (names): B EVERLY I-IEALTI ICARE-CALIFORNIA, INC. dba GOLDEN LIVINGCHNTER FRI]SN O B EVERLY HEALTHCARE-CALIFORNIA. IN C. dba GOLDEN LIVINGCIIN'IIIR CLOVI S 2. Complaint and cross-complaint (to be answered by plaintiffs and cross-complainants only) a. The complaint was filed on (date): b. fl fne cross-complaint, if any, was filed on (date); 3. Service (to be answered by plaintiffsand cross-complainants only) a. l] nll parties named in the complaint and cross-complaint have been served, have appeared, or have been dismissed b. få fn" following pafties named in the complaint or cross-complaint (1) R have not been served (specify names ancl explain why not). (2) 13 have been served but have not appeared and have not been dismissed (specify names). (3) fl have had a default entered against them (specify names) ff ffle following additional pafties may be added (specify nantes, nature of involvement in case, and the date by which they may be served): 4. Description of case a. Type of case in ffi complaint ffi cross-complaint (Describe, inctuding causes of action): Complaint for Damages: 1) Elder Abuse (Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code seetions I5600, et seq.); 2) Negligence; 3) Violation of Residents Rights (Fursuant to I lealth and Safety Code seetion 1 430(b)) Paqe1of 5 Fornì Adopted for N¡andatory Use califoinà Judiciai council of Ëssentiat GASË MAh'AGËNfl ËhIT STATEMENT' Cal. Rules of Court, ,2011] CNI-1 1 0 [Rev. Ju\y 1 CiB' ì;.1Forffis- rules 3.720-3.730 www ¿ GOI-D]]N LIVING cM-,r10 PLAINÏIFFiPETITIONER CASE NUMBER: 17CECGO406s DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: BËVERI-Y I{EALTIìCAIIE-CALIFOIINIA, INC, dba Gol,DÌ:]N BEVERLY HEAIjTHCARtr-CALì FORN] INC. clba GOLDEN t,IVINGCENT 4. b. Provide a brief statement of the case, including any damages . (lf personal injury damages are sought, specify the injury and damages claimed, including medical expenses to date [indicate source and amount], estintated future medical expenses, /osf earnings to date, and estimated future lost earnings. If equitable relief is sought, describe the nature of the relief .) Plaintiff alleges insufficient and inadequately trainecl stalïcared for resident Josie May Blowrr at two Golden Living skilled nursing facilities between 2010 and the present. Defendants deny liatrility and have not operated either íhcility since December 2016. Claims against GLC-Fresno are time-barred. Golden Living denies that Plaintiff incurred any harm or injury during their care. 7n ff more space ls needed, check this box and attach a page designated as Attachment 4b.) 5. Jury or nonjury trial The party or pafties request E! a jurytrial f-f, a nonjury trial, (lf more than one party, provide the name of each parfy requesting a jury trial): 6. Trial date a. [- } tne trial has been set for (date): b. XI No trial date has been set. This case will be ready for trial within 12 months of the date of the filing of the complaint (if not, exptain).The pleadings are not settled. c. Dates on which parties or attorneys will not be avaifablefor trial (specify dates and explain reasons for unavailability) See Attachment 6(c). 7. Ëstimatod length of trial The party or parties estimate that the trial will take (check one): a. l l oays (specify number): 7-I0 b. fl hours (short causes) (specify): 8. Trial representation (to be answered for each party) The party or parties will be represented at trial EI UV caption the attorney or party listed in the H OVthe following: a. Attorney: b. Firm: c. Address: d. Telephone number: f. Fax number: e. E-mail address: S. Pafty represented: ffi RCOit¡onal representation is described in Attachment L L Preference ffi fn¡s case is entitled to preference (specify code section): 10. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) a. ADR information package. Please note that different ADR processes are available in different courts and communities; read the ADR information package provided by the court under rule 3.221 for information about the processes available through the court and community programs in this case. (1) For parties represented by counsel: Counsel Xå f.ras lJ has not provided the ADR information package identified in rule 3.221 to the client and reviewedADR options with the client. (2) For self-represented parties: Party H nas fX nas rrot reviewed the ADR information package identified in rule 3.221 b. Referral to judicial arbitration or civil actionmediation (if available). (1) H fn¡smatterissubjecttomandatoryjudicial arbitrationunderCodeof Civil Proceduresection 1141 .llortocivil action mediation under of Code of Civil Procedure section 1775.3 because the amount in controversy does not exceed the statutory limit. (2) ffi pla¡nt¡tt elects to refer this case to judicial arbitration and agrees to limit recovery to the amount specified in Code of Civil Procedure section 1141 .11. (3) ffi fnis case is exempt from judicial arbitration under rule 3.81 1 c¡f the California Rules of Court or from civil action mediation under Code of Civil Procedure section 1775 et seq. (speclfy exemption): Amount in controversy exoeeds jurisdictional liniit. Clú-1 10 [Rev. July 1, 201 1] GASE IV1ANAGEM EfUT' STATEMENT Page 2 of 5 l'fÞ' Ëssential .\iT", ;Forms GOLDEN I-IVING e M-110 PLAI Nrl FFlPETlTloN ER:JOSIE MAY BROWN CASE NtJ¡/lBERl 17CECGO406s DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Bì]VI]IìLY IIBAI,,IIICAIìI]-C]AI,IFoÌìNIA. INC. clba GOI-DEN B EVERLY I-IEALTHCARE-CAI,IFORN IA, INC. dba cOLDEN l.l V INcCENTIIR 10. c lndicate the ADR process or processes that the party or pafties are willing to parlicipate in, have agreed to parlicipate in, or have already participated in (check all that apply and provide the specified information): The party or parties completing lf the party or parties completing this form in the case have agreed to this form are willingto participate in or have already completed an ADR process or processes, participate in the following ADR indicatethe status of the processes (affach a copy of the parfies'ADR processes (check all that apply). stipulation): l*f,VeO¡at¡on session noi yet scheduled (1) Mediation m D weO¡ation session scheduled for (dafe).' l.l AgreeO to complete mediation by (dafe) D VeO¡at¡on completed on (dafe): El Settlement conference not yet scheduled (2) Settlement Settlement conference scheduled for (date): conference m I'l| Agreed to complete settlement conference by (dafe) l-f Settlement conference completed on (dafe): Ü Neutral evaluation not yet scheduled f-l Neutral evaluation scheduled for (daÍe); (3) Neutralevaluation t3 fJ AgreeO to complete neutral evaluation by (date): fl Neutral evaluation completed on (dafe): fü ¡uO¡c¡al arbitration not yet scheduled (4) Nonbinding judicial m f] ¡uO¡c¡alarbitration scheduled for (dafe): arbitration H Agreed to complete judicial arbitration by (dafe). fü ¡uO¡c¡al arbitration completed on (dafe): fj Private arbitration not yet scheduled (5) Binding private m Private arbitration scheduled for (date). arbitration il Agreed to complete private arbitration by (dafe). l*J Privatearbitration completed on (dafe): ffi nOn session not yet scheduled (6) Other (specify) m ffi nOn session scheduled for (dafe) fJ Agreed to complete ADR session by (daúe) ffi nln completed on (date): July 1,2011] CN4-110 [Rev. CASË NflANAGËMËNT STATËM ENT Page 3 of 5 ('[fi," Ëssentãal l,: ceb.tom tgIBl's' GOLDEN LIVING cM-110 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER CASE NUMBER: l7CECGO4065 DEFENDANï/RESPONDENT: LIEVEIìlv llllAlit'tlCARL-CALIFOIìNlA. INCr. clba GOLDIIN LI B EVERLY IJEA LTI_I CARE-CA I-I INC, dba GOLDEN LIVINGCIINTE 11 . lnsurance a. lXt lnsurance carr¡er, AlG/Charlis if any, for party filing this statement (nante): Specialty Lines Insurance Company b. Reservation of rights: l*l Y"t H ruo Ç. l] Coverage issues will significantly affect resolution of this case (exptain); 12. Jurisdiction lndicate any matters that may affect the court's jurisdiction or processing of this case, and describe ihe status ll Bankruptcy B Ottrer (specify): Status: 13. Related cases, consolidation, and coordination a. l-l There are companion, underlying, or related cases. (1) Name of case: (2) Name of courl: (3) Case number: (4) Status: l_} ROO¡t¡onalcases are described in Attachment 13a. b. ã n motion to fl consolidate fN coordinate will be filed by (name party) 14. Bifurcation Ü lne party or parties intend to file a motion for an order bifurcating, severing, or coordinating the following issues or causes of acfion (specify moving party, type of motion, and reasons). 15. Other motions [& f fte party or padies expect to file the following motions before trial (specify moving party, type of motion, and lssues/. Demurrer, motion for summary judgrnent. 16. Discovery a. l-f,ffre party or parties have completed all discovery, b. Kl fne following discovery will be completed by the date specified (describe all anticipated cliscovery) Padv Description Date Defendants Written Discovery August 2018 Defendants Deposition of Plaintifï and làmily members September 2018 Defendants Possible IME of Plaintiff October 201 I Defendants Expert Discovery Per code c [J fne following discovery issues, including issues regarding the discovery of electronically stored information, are anticipated (specify) : CM-1 1 0 IRev. July 1,2O11) 6ASE MAhIAGH¡U EN]" STATENfl ENT Page 4 of 5 (lffi' .à-¡i* Qssential r= rqln¡e GOLDEN LiVING cM-110 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: 17CECG04065 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: BEVERLY HEALTHCARE-CALIFORNIA, INC. dba GOLDEN L BEVERLY lNC. dba GOLDEN LIVINGCENTER 17. Economic litigation a. l-l tnis is a limited civil case (i.e., the amount demanded is $25,000 or less) and the economic litigation proceduresin Code of Civil Procedure sections 90-98 will apply to this case. b. l-l m¡s is a limited civil case and a motion to withdraw the case from the economic litigation procedures or for additional why economic litigation procedures relating to discovery or trial discovery will be filed (if checked, explain specifically should not apply to this case): 18. Other issues lTl The party or parties request that the following additional matters be considered or determined at the case management conference (specify): The pleadings are not settled. 19. Meet and confer a. lXl The party or parties have met and conferred with all partieson all subjects required by rule 3124 of he California Rules of Court (if not, explain): b. After meeting and conferring as required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court, the parties agree on the following (specify): Defendants' request for dismissal of Golden Living is pending Plaintiffs decision. 20. Total number of pages attached (if any): I am completely familiar with this case and will be fully prepared to discuss the status of discovery and alternative dispute resolution, as well as other issues raised by this statement, and will possess the authorityto enter into stipulations on these issues at the time of the case management conference, including the written authority of the party where required. Date: July 18,2018 ) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) f-l nOO¡t¡onal signatures are attached CM-110 [Rev. July 1, 201 1 l CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Pags 6 of 5 a!-R'I Essential Xf.Y, ll¿Ee@c- GOLDEN LIVING Me-025 SHORT TITLE: CASE NUIMBER: - Brown v. Beverly Healthcare-California 17CECG04065 A.TTACHMENT (Nuntber): 6 (c) (This Attachment nay be used with any Judicial Council form.) T ria t /Medi at ions udLesi Reason County 01 /19/78 Mediation Sonoma 01 /30 /rB Mediation San Francisco 01 /30/rB MSC Sonoma OB/OI/LB MSC Santa Cfara 0B/06/78-08/15/rB Trial Santa Clara 0B/74/tB MSC Sacramento 0B/24/78 MSC USDC San Francisco 0B/3r/rq-je/14/78 Trial Sonoma 09/r0/rB-09/r1 /78 Trial Mendocino 09/78/rB MSC Sonoma 0e/24/r]-r0/0sl18 Trial Sacramento IO/IO/IB MSC Alameda rc/IB/IB MSC Alameda 1O/IB/IB Final Pre-Trial Conf USDC San F-rancisco r0/19/1-B-70/2e/rB Trial Sonoma r0/23/rB Mea San Mateo r0/23/LB-rj/30/18 Trial USDC San Franc-isco IT/02/18_TI/16/IB Trial Alameda II/09/IB-TL/20/IB Trial Alameda LL/L3/IB_II/30/IB Trial San Mateo 17/L9/LB-rz/05/78 Trial Santa Clara TI/2I/IB MSC Fre sno 12/14/rB-0L/02/19 Trial Fre sno 0r/01 /79-02/0r/re TriaI USDC San Francisco 0r/rB/79-0r/20/L9 Trial Sonoma 02/rr/19 MSC Alameda 02/15/19-02/22/L9 Trial Sonoma 03/25/79-04/08/L9 Trial Alameda 04/12/re-04/r1 /19 Trial Sonoma 05/73/19-05/24/re Trial San Francisco 06/01 /re MSC Sol-ano 01 /19 /r9-1 /3r/re Trial Sol ano Personaf Commitments: 01 /23-08 /06/78 09/12-09/L4/18 r0/17-10 /2L/18 03/01-03 /L] /19 (lf the item that this Attachment conÇerns is made under penalty of perjury, all statements -l of -l ln fhis Page Attachment are made under penalty of per1ury.) (Add pages as required) Form Approved for Oplional Use Jud¡cial Council of California ATTAE!{NNENT www.Çouft¡nÍo cê gov N4C-025 [Rev. July 1, 2009] to Jr¡dicial Counei! Forr¡r ['l t r[ ft t] Ëssential GOI,DtrN L]V]NG ;'lL9[!F$' I PROOF OF SERVICE JOSIE MAE BROllN, individually v. BEVERLY HEALTHCARE * CALIFORNIA, INC. dba 2 GOLDEN LIVINGCENTER _ FRESNO,' BEVERLY HEALT'HCARE - CALIIIORNIA, INC. dbA J GOLDEN LIVINGCENTER - CLOWS, and DOES I through 200, inclusive Fresno County Superior Court Case No. 17C8CG04065 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COLINTY OF SONOMA 5 I, the undersigned declare: 6 7 I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not aparty to the within action. I am an employee of Perry, Johnson, Anderson, Miller, & Moskowitz, LLP's and my address is 438 lrirst 8 Street, 4th Floor, Santa Rosa, California 95401, which is located in the County of Sonoma, 9 the within On the date below indicated, I served on the interested parties in this action 10 documents described as: l1 o DEFENDANTS BEVERLY HEALTHCARE.CALIFORNIA' INC. _ dbA GOI,DEN LIVINGCENTER - FRESNO and BEVERLY HEALTHCARE CALIFORNIA' INC. dbA GOLDEN LIVINGCENTER _ CLOUS CASE MANAGEMENT 12 STATEMENT 13 X (BY MAIL) On Jut:t 19, 2018, I caused each envelope. ytilh pgsta-ge'there2lJt'1.lly pyepøi/, t4 ìo be placea fu tne tn¡te¿ States mail at Santø Rasa, Caliþrnia. Iam readily./hrytiliar with the business practice.for collection and processing of mail in this oÍìqe; that in the 15 orclinary coúrse of business said documþnt woul[be deposited,w-ith the US Postal Service in Sanít Rosa onihat same day. I understand that seriice shall be presumed invalid upon l6 motion of a party served if the' postal cancellation date o! postage meter date on the envelopö is morb than one day- aJier the date of deposit foi mailing contained on this T7 declaration. 18 PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL COUNSEL FOR DYCORA Steven C. Peck TRANSITIONAL HEALTH - CLOVIS LLC I9 Adam J. Peck dba DYCORA TRANSITIONAL HEALTH 20 PECK LAW GROUP, APC & LIVING - CLOUS 6454YanNuys Boulevard, Suite 150 Bryan R. Reid 2l Van Nuys, CA9140l-1407 James E. Yee Farbod Faizai 22 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH 23 LLP 650 East Hospitality Lane, Suite 600 24 San Bernardino, California 92408 25 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and oorrect, and that this declaration was executed on July 19,2018 at Santa Rosa, Calitbrnia' 26 27 Lourie Rebizzo 28 1 PROOF OF SERVICE