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  • HYLE -V- RODRIGUEZ, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • HYLE -V- RODRIGUEZ, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • HYLE -V- RODRIGUEZ, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • HYLE -V- RODRIGUEZ, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


\a RIZIO LIPINKSY LAW FIRM PC Gregory G. Rizio, Bar No. 157008 'PERIOR CC 5‘lfiTEFB '. IVOR"'n. 'A ‘ StéOUNTY OF §AN BERN_AR[.3|P~.O Lynn P. Whitlock, Bar No. 127537 SAN BERNARDINO DISTRQT 2677 North Main Street, Ste. 225 'SEP GI 2022 Santa Ana, CA 92705 WOONQUIthNh—I Phone: (714) 505-2468 t Facsimile: (714) 547-1245 BY ___._.A.é?‘2’_§s<..-._-_.-- .V.. DEP'J '9‘." Attorneys for Plaintiff John Hyle SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ByFAX JOHN HYLE, Case No. CIVDS 1 90703 7 Plaintiff, PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF MOTION v. AND MOTION IN LIMINE NO. 1 OF 2, ARIANNA ATHENA RODRIGUEZ; TO EXCLUDE EVIDENCE OF DAVID J. RODRIGUZ; ELIA M. SURVEILLANCE (SUBROSA) AGUILAR; and DOES 1 through 100, PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS; inclusive, SUPPORTING DECLARATION OF PLAINTIFF’S COUNSEL Defendants. Trial Date: 9/1 9/22 Trial Time: 10:0 A.M. NNNNNNNNNh—‘HHHv—Ih—Hu—Ip—Ip— TRC: 9/1 5/22 TRC Time: 8:30 A.M. WQCNM-hWNHOQOO‘QQM-RNNP‘O Dept: S28 TO THE HONORABLE COURT, ALL PARTIES, AND THEIR ATTORNEYS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff John Hyle does hereby move this Court for an order precluding defense counsel and defense witnesses from producing evidence, testimony and/or argument as to surveillance, including surveillanée (subrosa) photographs or Video. Alternatively, in the event the Court permits the defense t0 show the jury any evidence of surveillance photographs, video or. other evidence of surveillance, plaintiff seeks an order of the Court compelling the defense to produce beforehand, and give plaintifi‘ a chance to review in a timely -1 _ PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE 0F MOTION AND MOTION IN LIMINE N0. 0F 2, TO EXCLUDE EVIDENCE 0F 1 SURVEILLANCE (SUBROSA) PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS manner gfl such evidence, and an opportunity to present any additional obj actions plaintiff may have to such evidence. The motion is made 0n the grounds that defendants have failed to produce any such evidence in discovery, nor have defendants produced any such evidence in response to plaintiff’s request to appear and produce evidence and documents at trial pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure \OOOVONUIhbJNH section 1987(b). Further, any such evidence should be excluded under Evidence Code section 352. This motion is based on this notice of motion, the attached memorandum of points and authorities, the declaration ofplaintiff’ s counsel filed herewith, the court’s file in this matter, all other matters of Which the Court may take judicial notice, and any argument or evidence that may be presented to or considered by the Court prior t0 its ruling. Wherefore, plaintiff prays for an order of this Court precluding defense counsel and defense witnesses from producing evidence; testimony and/or argument as to surveillance, including suweillance (subrosa) photographs or video. Plaintifl further seeks an order requiring the attorneys for all parties to instruct their witnesses of the Court's exclusionary order on this motion, and further precluding any attorney, party, or witness from making any reference to the filing of this motion, whether it be granted or denied. If this Coufi permits the defense to present any such evidence to the jury, plaintiff prays for an order of the Court compelling the defense to provide to plaintiff, in a NNNNNNNNNHHHH‘HHJ—Ih-HH timely manner, all such evidence, and a chance for plainfifi to present any further or additional obj ections thereto. Plaintiff prays for such additional relief as this Court should deem proper. OOQONU’IAWNk-dowooflathoJNb-do DATED: g r50 PV- Lynn P. Whitlock, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff -2- PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION IN LlMlNE N0. OF 2, TO EXCLUDE EVIDENCE OF I SURVEILLANCE (SUBROSA) PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS