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  • Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a DR. LUKE, Kasz Money, Inc., Prescription Songs, Llc v. Kesha Rose Sebert p/k/a KESHA (Counterclaim Plaintiff) Commercial Division document preview
  • Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a DR. LUKE, Kasz Money, Inc., Prescription Songs, Llc v. Kesha Rose Sebert p/k/a KESHA (Counterclaim Plaintiff) Commercial Division document preview
  • Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a DR. LUKE, Kasz Money, Inc., Prescription Songs, Llc v. Kesha Rose Sebert p/k/a KESHA (Counterclaim Plaintiff) Commercial Division document preview
  • Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a DR. LUKE, Kasz Money, Inc., Prescription Songs, Llc v. Kesha Rose Sebert p/k/a KESHA (Counterclaim Plaintiff) Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/18/2023 08:02 PM INDEX NO. 653118/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3343 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/18/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------------------------------x LUKASZ GOTTWALD p/k/a DR. LUKE, KASZ : Index No. 653118/2014 MONEY, INC., and PRESCRIPTION SONGS, LLC, : : Justice Jennifer Schecter Plaintiffs, : : Motion Seq. No. __ -against- : : NOTICE OF MOTION FOR KESHA ROSE SEBERT p/k/a KESHA, : ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE : OF TIANA A. BEY Defendant. : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------x KESHA ROSE SEBERT p/k/a KESHA, : : Counterclaim-Plaintiff, : : -against- : : LUKASZ GOTTWALD p/k/a DR. LUKE, KASZ : MONEY, INC., and PRESCRIPTION SONGS, LLC, and : DOES 1 – 25, inclusive, : : Counterclaim-Defendants. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the annexed affirmation, sworn May 18, 2023, of Bradley J. Mullins, a member of the Bar of the State of New York, and the annexed affidavit of Tiana A. Bey, sworn May 18, 2023, together with all the pleadings and proceedings heretofore had herein, Plaintiffs Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a Dr. Luke, Kasz Money, Inc., and Prescription Songs, LLC (together, “Plaintiffs”) will move this Court at the Submissions Part thereof, Room 130 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York, 60 Centre Street, New York, New York on May 26, 2023, at 9:30 am or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order pursuant to Rule 520.11 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals, granting the 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/18/2023 08:02 PM INDEX NO. 653118/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3343 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/18/2023 admission pro hac vice of non-resident counsel Tiana A. Bey to the Bar of this Court, to represent Plaintiffs in this matter. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to CPLR 2214(b), answering papers, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least two days before the return date of this motion. DATED: May 18, 2023 MITCHELL SILBERBERG & KNUPP LLP By: /s/ Bradley J. Mullins_________ Christine Lepera ( Jeffrey M. Movit ( Bradley J. Mullins ( 437 Madison Avenue, 25th Floor New York, New York 10022 Tel: (212) 509-3900; Fax: (212) 509-7239 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Lukasz Gottwald p/k/a Dr. Luke, Kasz Money, Inc., and Prescription Songs, LLC 2 2 of 2