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  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview
  • Leo Van Assendelft et al vs COUNTY OF NASSAU et al document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 EXHIBIT H FILED: NYSCEF DOC. SUFFOLK NO. 78 COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM RECEIVED INDEX u NO. ",3 NYSCEF: p"l{i 017424/2014 08/26/2022 {IoitBeIsE"4:- COPY |. COURT OF TIIE STA]E OF.NASSAU OFNBW YORK aorrl DateFiled: l-lb- l4 MIIRPIIY, IvIARY BgfH IvIURpIty, IrdorNo.: QW479%0I4 4Ab L1IE OE SARAHOHad VA}.IASSEI{DEIJ,T, SUPPI"EIV@\TATSIJ}&(ON$ Pld!fitrs, Plaidift designae Nassar Cmug. astbcplace oftnat -against- Veure is based ou CpLR504(l) TRA}TSPORT, INC., RA]N4OND G. u, I[I,.T.OOKS GREAT' SERVICES,INC., OT}IASSAU, NA,SSAU COIII\TTY' OFPUBLIC woRKS, YORKPAVINGiNC., CONSTRUCTION CORP *ed coNslRUCfiON LLg Deftndaats. REGfrruHM GREAT SERVICES,INC., ilAr 02 201{ NA$SAU COUNTY Thinilpartyplaidifi, COI.JNTY CLERKS OFFICE -against- CONSTRUCTION LLC, a- 7! TtftdP"artyDefodanL THE ABO\iE NA}4M DEF.ENDA}ITS: the FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 NEw Yo*, NewYork Apfl,2z,n14 CAIR" GAR, CONASON, STEICrlvtAI.I, &RUBINOWIIZ 80 Nefi'Ydr, 10005 QLz)e.-r0e0 SffiANNEXED SERVIGRIDER 2 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 SERVICE RIDER ConstructionLLC $IestWalm* Shest MO 64098 Elss Moskowitz &lelsran & Dic.ker frrJewell Traqporf lac. and G. Si&a;r€aqm 50 East42d Steet YodqNY rcW7 McTieman,&Mosre for Defarcld New York paving Ina R€ctffi Street Yodr, I.ff 10006 SegailaLLP Oreaf Savices,Iae. tu€n City Plaa Suite J20 City, Nf 11530 File No 735.0010 ofNassauaod Couaty Depatnaat of hrblic Wodrs : Carnell Foskey - Acting CordyA:tcnney West Steet NewYo* 1150i ConsfuctimCcp. Ronald Colleluoti MdlaodAveurue NewYork 11801 3 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 COIJRT OFTIIE STATE OFNEWYORK OsNASSAU IvIIJRPIIY, I{ARY BEEI M{JRPIIY, IndexNo.: NM79AU4 LtE OII, SARAII OII and VAI{ASSEI'IDELFT, \IERIFIEDAI\4ENDED COMPLAI\TT naruft' -against TRANSPORT, INC., RAN4OND G. Ui, %OOKS CREA"T' SERVICES, INq, o!' NASSAU. NASSAU C]OIINTY ART}{ENT OF PI.IBLIC WORKS, YORK PA\M$G INC. CONSTRUCHON CORP, aad coNsrRucfioNLrc, Defeaxdag6, GREAT SERYICES,INC., Thinl PdtyPlainfif, -against- CONSTRUCTTON IJC, TbildParlyDefendad. PlainfifB, complairyng of defendanG, by md though their attomeys, GAIR. coNASoN, srElGNdaN, lvfAcKAUF, ELooM & RliBINo$fiTZ, reqpec,rftIty sbovr frls allege as follorm: 1. Upon infc'rmdioa ad belieq that at all times hereia rqentione{ d€f""'dmt, TRAi{SPORT, INC, uias ald stilt is a foreign bruiness corpcratio:r duiy orgenieed and DP\ uder aud byvirhe offte ijaws of thc Stde of Ve,tmont FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 .4. Upon infomation ancl beliet thatrr atl tis€s hereis mentioned, defsdanf, TR.AIISPORT, NC,, was aod still is a foreign cmporatioa &:iy licensed t'o condrct v')Ni 'r 1n the $ta!eofNewYork" 5. @"* idormatim and belie,4,tb a all tlmcs herein mentionoil, dsferdast, r.rl\ TRANSPORT' INC., was ab:rsiness c,titytensactingand/oEcolArstingbtrsiaess the StaleofNewYork 4. infosaatlon ard belief, that at all times her€in mentioned, ilefendant -Kl 6br* INC., was aurfrorized to do h'''siness in tre Stde ofNerro Yodc 5 infgrmation anil beUee trat at all tiues hffeir mer$ioaad, defadant, rxi INC., did brsiness i:rtreState ofNewYo*. 6. informatioa ail beliet trd at all times herein nmflonctl, deftndad, D'Li TRANSPORS, INC., was &e owner of a tastor-taila bearing license plaie mlmba At) idonnation md belief" &* at all tircsbseia mentionc4 tlefendant, r..i I V TRANSPORT, INC, contolled, maaaged ed naitrhh€d tbe aforesaid tacbr-trailer plate numbe 46D1 4, Vemont 8. infomation aad beli{, tbat at all timcs herein mertioneil, ddendad, r>.' olaimis of the oventuponwhich&e based. ,.''.) 34. at ail times hereianetrtione4 defeddad, NEW @nr*o*til,onandbelie! PAVINGINC., lias and stili is a domesticbusiness duly orgaizedanit ;,v by virtue of theiaws offte State ofNewYotk 35. i6rmatioa and beiiefl at all times hereinmectioned defcndan{ 6GO CORP., was anil still is a domestic business corporation duly orgnrired and DKI State ofNewYork aII times herein meutioned, defeadaut, JFSIEIL INC., its agenq ssrrats and/or emliioyees, was bired and refained by 'D( i COIINTY OF NASSAU md/gf NASSAU COIJNTY DEPARTMENT OF PIIBLIC tbeir 4gents, s€ryets and/or enrpioyees, to, eorg o&er thilgs, haul debds fr@ 6 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 Pa* ECIt Meadoq New York to Spconk, New York 3'1. fuftruxafion and be1i4 at ail times berein mertioned' ilef,endant, JEWEI,L INC,, ils ag@ts, seflran$ and/or errployees, entereil into a agreementwi& 1 COINTY OF NASSAU ad/st NASSAU COUNTY DEPARIMENT OF ?UBLIC i-.(\ thsh agedts, ssrants srd/or employees, to, afrorlg o&erthingt, hzul detris ton East Meadow, NeryrrYork to Speonk, New Yod<. 38. informatirn ald belie{ at ail times herein metrtioned, defradaat, T-OOKS SERVICES, INC., its ageatq s€rvalts and/or emplo5'ees, was hired audretaind by COIINTY OF NASSAU ancl/or NA$SAU COTJI',{TY DtrARTMENT OF PLiBLIC ht- t tleir agenf, s€rvants and/oremployees,to, othertbingS, ba{ debris &om EastMeadow, New York to Speouk, New Yodc information and belbfl at all times heftin memiole4 rlefendd' 'TOOK,S npl employees' entercd F"* SERYICES,INC., its agents)servads aad/or defedmts, colrNTY oF NA,SSAU and/or NASSAU COIJN':IY DXFARTMENT OF WORKS, theiragenh, sepaats and/otemployees, to, among otberthinS,had debris A1 Park in East Meadow, New York to Speonk, New Yodr. i-S LLI' poD idorudion and belio4 at ail times herein mmtioned, defendat, JEWEI,L ,NC., ifs agen8, serrants and employeeg was hhed and retained by defeudant GREAT' SERVICES, INC., ib agents, servauhs and emplo5nss, to, tmong oib€r DKI fiom Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, New York to $peonk, New York. 4L. irfamation aad belief, at all times herein mentioned, deftEdarq JEWETL INC, its agents, servants aud enrployees, enteted iub a$eemexlt \ ''; fl' 7 ,4,i E.!l ^ {i it. c " FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 'T.OOKS GREAP SERYICBS, INC., its agerts, servmts and employeeg to, arong &i!gs, haul dehis ftom Eisertower Pa* in East lri{edow, New yo* to speonk, New fudormefion aod beli4 at alltines hffein meutioned, debndat, ,T,OOKS sERvIcEs, iNC., ie ageub, servanH and mployees, was bired @d.rstained by rEwEtL TRAI.I$PORI,INc., iE agents, sqvaqb audcmptoyees, to, aoro:rg crflc DY\ haul debris aon: Eisenhower Pa*. irr Ea$ Meadow, I*IewYo* to speon! Nevr york ,<,\ ) ./\1 A{}poninfonraGon and belief at alltides herein rnsrtiored" deftndart, TOOKS sERIr[Gs, INc., itsage,nts, sery?fis andemployees, ffteredfufo an agreementwift. Dr\ JESETL TRANSPORT,INC., iB agetrtS sefiEn8 md enrplqrees, to, rrnong othe,! hartl debris fromEisahcnpel Park ia East lvtreadow, New Yorl to Speonl New Yek infounationand pria'to and/or af all times mafisnsd! T,OOKS GREAT' SERVICES,INC' ib agerts, servarrts and emrployees, md l/4/ LI€ entercd into stbcorfi€ct agreemeot dti q\,Lrf J.F- tL'4^ a informatibn aad to aod/or at all times heib f-t 'ao oKs GREA'I- sERvIGs, INc., hircd defadant Ir2 coNsTRUc-rIoN LLc b the neceSsary labor, services and eguiprrent to perfora tasls or mrk assirydtoH2 LLC'qdsr tre saboontact agreenerf. M. Uponinfomatiol adbolieg atatl me,rtioned= Ia95 Iong (ailcla the fio:sExit68 to ExitZ3, publio infomration ad belief at all tines berein loestion€d, aad br sometime thaetq defadast, }{EW YORK PAVING INC., inas bired and reained to pdorm D(\ work on I FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 above ref,erenced roadway at the above referenced looatioa by the State of Nerw York infooration and beiief at all times herein mwtioaed, and flr ssmetftne trereto, defendd, NEW YORK PAVING INC,' was pedcoing wort on fte above Di'(\ roadway at tb above refttencetl locatioa pusuarrt to a agreeiaeot wift &e Sbte of YgIk of TranEortaticn. 49 idormion ad belief, at all timas he,rein meartioned" and ftr smtetbe *r''l tba'eb, defendad, C€G @NSTRUCTION CORP' wss hird and retabed to petrrrn i /\-' oathe aboverdereno.edroadlvay dthe above rcferenoed location byft" St*eofNew York Ttansporlation. infomratiou and belief, d all times herein mentioned, and fcn scnnetim€ theruto, defeirdant, GCIG CONSTRUCIION CORP., was performiqg worjk m the abwe Td\ roadway at the above refsenced locatioapnsuatto an agreemerlt lpith theStm of Ysrk of Trmsportation 5l Ilpon infcnnation ald belief, af aU times herch mationp4 ad ftr sonetime DKl thereto, ddendaat, GGG CONSTRUCTION CORP., was hired aad retained & perfom oa tbe above rsf€reoced loadvay at the above reftrerced location by deftndant, l{EW P INC. information and belie4 at aII times haein m€dtioned, mdfor sometime *K\ flEcstoo deftadant, GGG COI.ISTRUCTION CORP, was performing wo* oa tle above roadway at the above refercnced locatioa purslant b an agrcernent n'ith defendm, YORK?AYJNGINC. I FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 53- ir&mealioaaod beliet at all times hercinnedioned, and for ssmetime &ereto, defeadact NEW YORKIAVING INC., was hired and $rainsd to Ferfoux work on l -.! above refcrenoed roadway at the above rderenced looation ty defendanq cGG CORP 54. Pon infornation and belieq atall tines hereinmmtioned, and br sonetime &ereto, deftndaaq NBw YORK PAVING INc., was pefomiag work on the above i ' l.J\-i madsray at tbe above ref€renoed locdiou prrrsnant to an agrceanend wi& deftodanq CONSTRTJCTIONCORP. AS AND FOR A FIRST CAIJSE O3 ACTION 55. plaintis rEea! reiterate, and reallqe each aod cvery allegatiou cortalncd in -1i/ <\ of this complaint numbetod "1" &rough "54' inclrrsive, with tbe same frrce and as if at lengftherein 56. tim* at all hainmentiond pl"ihtrq ROBERT IWIRpIIy, operarted a rK1 velicle bearing lice,nse plate nrmften BAI I i 6l , New Yod(, !/ o,n1-495 (a/r/a tle long Exgessway) eastboind, u or aea Exit 68. 57. Drcember lg,NLz,the aforesaid motor vehicle being opeaated by pr-i ROBERTMURPIIT, was involved inaa accident dfte above refcrencedtooatisr" 58. aforesaid occrrrenp€ was ca$ed or omftibuted to Stle aegligarce, and reoklessness of dpfendane, JEWELL TRAI.ISPORT, INC. ad RAy\{oND 6. j 'if,/r , III, in &eir oumership, operatioo, contol, rIilmagemefit and naintenance of tbeir naffor-trdil€r bearing lioase plate mrmber 6Dl4,Vernont. 10 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 s9- &e aforesaid occuErence was caused or contitrubit b by the negligerc'q and rrckles$Fss of defendast, JEWELL TRA$[$PORT, INC., ib agrrts' serwuts €anploy€ss, ia selecting;bidng contactiug mdretabi:g defendat' RA$vIOND G. NEAU, III, b operate tre aforesaid notu v*icle v&eu itu,as lnovm or should bave beer. to deftrdant JEWETL TRANSPORI,.INC, that defendan! RAYa4oND G. III, rvas unfit and did not have fire skills and frafuing reeufued for the sa& qp€ration 'i:Kh v aforesaid 62ctor-tailer; failv'g to pno'per1y aod adeErately supervise the conduet of RA${OND G. SItr{ONEAU, 4 as it relded to the operafioa of the srbjeot tactor- failingto l1rrrttlor advisetreplaintitrs and otbers of defendst' RATf\{OND G. III,s, lack ofskills and qualificationsfc opetating tbe bactgr-ftilex; faillngto acleqr:ate ancleftctive plofessional taiuirg and educational programs md procedrres tlair emplopes c,atsd"afied to grevent ocsurrerxces sud astre subject occurence; failing to aay irquiry into the backgromd of defendaot, RAYMOND G. SMONISAU' Ut befor€ hitiog, confractingeutlrtAbbg; andia otlrerrpisebeing careless'negtigemtmd 60. the aforesaid o@u!€ilce was oanssd or cofribi:ted to bytbe neglige+ce, .u rvS md recklesmess of defeudanis, COUNTY OF NASSAU and/or NASSAU -i)€I.+ {N-/? itt ! DEBARTX4ENT OF PLIBLIC WORKS, fteir ageiats, servffits md e'mployees, iu l// ,'11,'e *' T,l{ contracting hfui.i.g, md renaining defeudmh, JE$ELL TRaIISPORI INC., AOOKS ul 't-lJ thp aforesaidtactcE- [v> ?'SERVICES, INC., CONSTRUCTIONIJ,CIO #["t qihsnitwaslnovm or beem. frnoun to de&odac, COTINTY OF NA"SSAiJ NASSEU COUNTY DEPARTI{ENT OF PUBUC WORKS, &At dEfENdAEb, J$$IEII, 11 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 INC., 'AOOKS GRBAT'SERVICES, INC., and EP CONSTRUCTION Lrc rmdt ad did nothave propedy skilt€d adtained drivers required for the sde operation of aforesaid tractor-teilq failingto trop€dyand adequafdy srryerrdse the condugt of JEWELL TRANSPORT, INC.,'trOOKS GRBAT' SER\IICES,INC." a'dID LLC as it related o &e operation of fte subjeot tracror-taileq failingto wena advisettreplaietitrs and others of defendscfs,JEWELLIRAIiSPORT,INC.,.IOOKS SERVICBS, INC., dd EZ CONSTRUCTION trLC lak of stillsand palificaions for the trastor-tailer; failiagto establish adequate and effective pofessional traini4g atd Progfaras ad procedues fgl treir eqrtoyeeq aEsnts and/or servauls calculded to oocumooes such as the subjest ogcu$€nce; frilingto make any iaguiry into lhe of defendants, JEVETL TMNSPORT, INC.,'T-OOKS GREA?' SERVICES, and E2 COI.IISTRUCTION fLC before selestiqg hiring contraoting and retainingsaid othsvcise being carcless, nqligent and reckless. tbe aforesaid ocsurrenoe was caused or contibuted to by tre negligence, andreoltessnass of IT2 CONSTRUCTION thepubmrcse ofits andwo*pursuantto its subconfiactwifhdefild""t'T,ooKS GR.EA?'SBRVICES,INC.; , ,L) the aforesaid ",,a ocsuuence'was carsed or contibuted to bythe negiigence, carelesmess aarl ,,-rz i1'lt L)u'Kil' Pfi,- of defendaot'T,OOKS CREAT'SERVICES,INC., tb ag€n1s, servmis and - ..t[L \ . h.L\ llu nr,\ '-. ^ | ooutracling and retaining defendant, JESIEI,I TRA],[S?ORT, i(!i^ rl'Lu'"- " CONSTRUCfiONLT,c b tle aforesaid trac&or-tailer v&en it was hovm x f-. ;-/ should have bcen known to ddeirdant, 'T,ooKs GREAT* sEJRvIcEs,INc., its agerds, ald eanployees, fld dsferdant, JEWETL TRAI{SPORT,INC., aod II2 12 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 TRUCTION LLC did nothaye the skilts ald training r€quired fortle safe operation of the tactor-trailer; failingto pro!€rly ad adequately sryendse the conduct of defecdaat, TRANSPORT, INC., and Il2 CONSTRUCIiION LLC as it relar€d to ttre operation anrl of the u.rbject tactor-trailer; failing to wam or advise the plaintift ""d sft€rs of JEWELL TRAIiISPORT,INC., and^In CONSTRUCTIONLIE lack of skilis asd for operatirrg fte tactor-taileq failiag to estabiisb adoqu*e ald effeotive uaiuing and eduoafional Frogres andprocedures for & mpiolaees, agpffi aad/or calculat€d to preveut occtrences sltch as the subject occurreroq &iling to make arry icto the backgFolfld of defendarq JE1WELL TRA]{SPORT,INC., and IE LLC before selecting hithg; conftacting and rehining said alefodmq failitg Fopedy srry Eryise tbework of defudot In CONSTRUCIION IJC and fu oftervise lgiag rec&Ies. 62. the aforesaid occurleocewEs cansed or contibr$ed to byftenegligem.ce, tecklessness of defendads, NBW YORK PAVING INC,, ib ageirts, servants employees, and GGG CONSTRUCflON CORP., its ageds, ssvanb and employees, inthe aanage,meut, operation asd coffiol ofthe eastbound side offte1495 (alklathe Island Expressway) A,om approxinaely Exit 68 to F,Eit 73 (hqeinaffff 'lRoadwarf); is carel*lyand recklessly sr+ervising, insbilcting; managing maiutainiog operafing twj \ i,r\-i oonfrolling the Roadway aad aforesaid road work beiag perforneed ctr &e Roadway Giling wanplainliffaud othermotorists ofthe roadwo*beingpafom.ed ontheRoadwag +iling properFkpertre lane closure; fajliDgto properiyplace signs or othertafEc safety devices tre Roadwayto warnplaintiffasd o&elnototists of trermd work being pedornqeE 13 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 pemiting and aliowing the road workto beperformed without adeqoate signs, notice 'zusiDg, md wming to mstodsts ofthe road wodq friling to warn mobrists of l,ae ciosnre; cawing rcmitiag and allowing a dangerous and hazatdous cmdition to otist qpon ffre Roadwa56 in ausiog pmiting and allowing'a daugerous ad bazrdorx csndilion to tDtist upon the Lroadwayin the rafi:re o4 mong otbec things, inadequde wamiqg for plaitriffartr ot&er aotoris'ts of the aforesaid road work being pedorme{ and in failing to correct tlrc aforesaid tangercns aod bardous cooilitions o!,the RoadwaysfuEn itwas knovin or shouid have been oownto the defendanb berein tbat sme constitrted atrlmpcessary and improper dager tu the fiaintiffand 63. reasou ofthe foregoiug ROBER-T Mt IRPIfY, sstained injudes l. olr, ohis hea4 and body, incfuding; brstnotlimi&dto a severc sbockb his nerrzous sl#n, ,#, ertaia iatemal injuries, bas been oased to srffen swere pkysical paio aod meatal auguish as a esulttkreofand, qponinformdion aadbelie$ soure or ail qfthese rrdtiries arc of apemanent # ntl lasting natrne; that the plaintifl ROBERT MURPIIY, bas beear caused to be confined to rospital bed and bome as a result tbereof, has bsr frrcad o abs*ain from tre dsties ofbis ocation and has acpe,nded or vrill tecome oblignted to eryend sms of money for medical lxlleDss. 64, reason ofthe ROBERT MIIRPIIY, suseined a rrKi v' in sec,{ou 5102(0 oftle Inwrance l-aw ofthe State ofNe'w Yodc reason ofthe ROBERI MIJR?ITY, has sshined iK) rcononrio loss greaterthanbasic eco'nomic loss as defircd h section 5102(a) ofthe hsoraace ,aw of the State ofNew Yods 14 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 by reason sf the foregoin€; defendantsn JE:WEIL TRAI\ISPORT, INC., G. SMONEAU,IU, 'AOOKS GREATI SERVICES,INC., FdE are Jiable toplaintifffor prmitive and e:raplary dasagcs. 67. hereby allegd pursuad to CPLR 1603 ftd tle foregoing caase of astion is from the operation of CPLR 1601 by remon sf one or mor€ of the exemptims prnvided 4 r.{i, C?LR 1602, including br$ not limitedto, CPIR l6g2(2ft), CPLR 1602(0' on the grcrunds i/, the defendats mrre nqtigent in the use, operation md orrunemhip ofa motor rrchicie ad $jzm,outhe grounds tldtte defenda$ acted inrecltess clisregcd forfte safdy of and in cansed tbe plaidiff s injuries. .4?1 I t-/ 68. tbe amoutr of damages soogfor exceeds the jurisdiotional limits of all lower qieich would oftem'ise have jrrrisfictim. AS AND FORA SECOIIID CAUSE OF ACTION 0].{ BEI{AI+F OT PLAINInFF MARYBEIIT MuRPrrY phinift reFeat, reiterato,atrd reailege each and wery alleption ccntaiaed iu a68f incllsivq witb the saue forcs aud rVY^(J r\r'' paagraphs offhis oomplaintluubered "l" tlrougb as if forth at leogth berin. reason of tte foregoing plaid:ifi, lvfARY EETII lvItJRPIfY, wife of plain@ g h, F h4URPIff; bs been deprived oftbe righs and ideresfs vfuichbave acciled by reaso! a Ei ,$P' her marriage to said plaintiff ed &€ coatinuafion of said narital relafriouship,including trose 'i-\{\- I conjugal ftltor+ship, serrusl fulfiibneo{ snpport, ai4 companionship, guidance, c$mp@y, conforE services aud cooperation. 7 hereby alleged pursuntto CPLR 1603 that &e foregoing carrse of arfion is l5 rl 0hu V FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 from tte operation of CPLR 1501 byreasm. of sne ormore of fte exerytious provided CPLR 1602, incruding but asf li'ited to,cpr& I602(2)fv), c"LR 1602(6),on the gro ,?rds the defeudaats were aegligeat ra fte usg operationr ard ornnership of a o,oto'vehicle,and rcaz?)' onrtle goErds that the def€ndets asted.ia reckress disregard for fte safetyof aad ln so salsdtheplairtifps lqunes. 72. the anornt of damages sughl arceeds fte jurisdictioml tinrits of all lower wbich would o&erwise bave jrrrisdiotion AS A}.ID FORA TTIIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 73, r.Peatr reiterate,ardrealege ca& and u,rcry aliegation contained in RRR pazgnphs of ftisoomplairt rr:aabered "1' fuough "?2' inclusivq with the same force and as if fulty set forft. at IengthhprEnr 74. at all times bsr'in mentiored, prahni4 suN t:aE oFI, opecaed a motor beadng vehisle regishation -)K\ nunber EMI28@ New yodc, oa ra95 gtkrath€ Lang eastbound, af ornearExit 6g. .1< on Deoeeber lg,ZllZ,1ftreaforwaid motcr vehicle being oper*ed D(i S orl qras iuvorved in an accidffi ar tbe above refereosed locatioa 7& the aforesaid oco'rrefice was ca,sed or cmfuibrred o by the negrigencr, and recklessness of defendants, JEwErr D{i rR4${spoRr, D{c. and RArfrdoND G. ilI'ra &eir osln r$hip, qpecaio, contol, rnanag€mefit aod maintmaece oftheir beaing license plate flmbff 46D14, Vermont, 77 &e aforesaid ocs*reaoe was caused o,*hunr"a to by &e negiigenoe, Dd\ T6 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 andrccklessness of defendaut, JEwEtL TRANSPORT, INc, its ageats,serrands employoeg in; selectiDg hirin& contacting anclretaining defeidau[ RAyf\4oND G. Itr, to operate&e aforesaid motu vehicle ufterr it was kncmnr or should have been to defendaut, JESIELL TRAIISPOR3, INC, rlst deftrdant RAY\4OND G. ,III, wre tmft and did nsl bave the skills and taining reqrrired fo( fte safe opaatiot fai'li'lg to propezly tbe aforesaicl tractorvtrailer; and adequdE$ suBervise tbe cog6lct of RA'ln4oND G. siMoNIiAu, III,asit related to 6e operaticn of 6e subject tactor ailing to waur or advise the plaiatitrs and others of defendanr, RAYMOND G. !ffs, lack of skills aod qnaiiftations for oBeraing the tractor-taiia; failingto adequate acd eftstive proftssioaal tabingadd educatis""'lprogffis andprocedures ftsh emplqyees calculaEd b lreveot cccnuEncs srlchas fhe subject occnaence; #il'ng to my in+dry into the backgrorard of defendant, RAn4oND G. SIMONEA4 m, befcre hhing, confracting and retainin$ and inotrelvise being careless,aegligest aud the aforesaid ocfltrrence was causecl or contribrated to bytb negligrence, and recklessness of desndants, coIlNTy oF NAssAu aud/s N,{.,SSAIJ r'j ',,. -v DEPAR3MS{T . ,L.') oF PUBLIC woRKs, theh agents" ser%uts and employees, in: ^.' , n{,fr; !r'Y*'L' , !\|" t"^ [, ', i\K] ' \ v'^'titj'l hiring contracting and retaining defendanb, JBiwBtL TR,ANSPORT, INc., "L@ri,s /rlr - iii w t\;, i\'. SERVICES, P CONS"TRUCNONLIC tbe afqasaidtactcr- !'/ when it was lrorflr sr been hdfim to defe,rdan6, COUNTY OF NASSAU NASSAU couNTY DEFATTa4ENT oF ruBLIc woRKs, thar defendanrs, JEwH[t , INC.,'LOOKS GREAT" SRVICES,INC., and ID CONSTRUCION Lrc L7 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 08/26/2022 11:33 AM INDEX NO. 017424/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 78 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/26/2022 unfit and did not have propedy skilted and traiued drivers rcqufued fcr tbe safe operatio!.of aforesaid trastot-trailsr;feiling to properly a31d ade$jgtdy sr4ecsise &e cDDdEct of iEwEtt TRAITSPORT, INC., .T,O OKS CiREATD SERVICES, INC,, and II2 LLC as itrelatsd to the opeiaBcn ofthe srbjeot tactor-tziler; &ilingto warn aitvisethsplaiulitr's md ottrers of deftndards, JEiE/ELLTRANSPOR?,INC,, TOOKS SERVICES; INC., ad II2 CONSTRUCTIONILC l,ackof slollsand q