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  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 08/18/2022 02:28 PM INDEX NO. EF22-347 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/18/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ___________________________________________________________________ In the Matter of the Application of JOHN M. RINALDI (Names of Petitioner(s) vs NOTICE OF PETITION KOLLEEN A. OLDENBURG Index No. (Names of Respondent(s) _____________________________________________________________ ______ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the verified petition of JOHN M. (Insert your name) RINALDI sWOrn to on the 9 _ day of AUGUST , 202 (Date Petition was swom to before a Notary Public) and the exhibits attached thereto, and upon all the proceedings in the case to date, the petitioner(s) JOHN M RINALDI (Insert names of all Petitioners) will petition this court, at A.M./P.M. on the 7 day of Nov. , 202_ (Insert retum time & date advised of by the Court) the Courthouse at 46 GREENBUSH ST. , CORTLAND , New York in (Court street address) on w=^Ä£v£a easy ssav£s couaÄ/ scousa Ä=£ esTTERFORSTAY 6/ Law IAS Part , for a judgment, pursuant to Civil Practice and Rules granting the 301 following relief to the petitioner(s): STAY. / UNLAWFUL EVICTION. (Insert brief statement of relief requested) GRANTOR PROVEN WAS ALSO TRUSTEE. TRUST INVAL.lD . NOTARIZED IN MASSACHUSETTS BY MASSACH USETTS DOC ONI-Y NOTARY . and granting such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules 403(b), you are hereby required to serve copies of your answer on the undersigned no later than the seventh day prior to the date set above for the submission of this proceeding. 2022324419 EF22-347 08/18/2022 02:28:24 PM Pages 2 NOTICE OF PETITION Elizabeth Larkin, County Clerk 1 of 2 FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 08/18/2022 02:28 PM INDEX NO. EF22-347 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/18/2022 Dated: CORTLAND . New York (County where signed) AUGUST9 ,2022 (Date signed) Respectfully Submitted, JOHN M. R1NALDI (Petitionersname) 6698 GLEN HAVEN RD (Petitioners street address) HOMER, NY 13077 (Petitioners city, state, zip) 607.299.4944 (Petitioners telephone no.) TO: KOLLEEN A. OLDENBURG (Respondent or Respondents Attomey's name) 4 LAMB LANE (Street address) CANTON, MAO2021 (City, state, zip) 781.664.3248 (Telephone no.) Given under my hand and seal of office this R day of ust , 20 (Seal) Signature of Notary Public Tonncsha Fears Notary Public, State ofTexas Comm. Expires 04-14-2024 ² $ Notary ID 132436988 Notarized Online 2 of 2