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  • In the Matter of Jose Lucero Change of Name  document preview
  • In the Matter of Jose Lucero Change of Name  document preview


NC-130 |ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY ‘STATE BAR NUMBER; NAME: JOSE LUCERO FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: 1929 CRISANTO AVE #128 ciry: Mountain View STATE:CA. 2IP CODE: 94040 HELEPHONE NO.: 650-630-6829 FAXNO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: JLUCERO846@GMAIL.COM |ATTORNEY FOR (name): [SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS: . MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PETITION OF (name of each petitioner): JOSE LUCERO FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBE DECREE CHANGING NAME BECV 401743 1. The petition was duly considered: a. [__] atthe hearing on (date): in Courtroom: of the above-entitled court. b. [_] without hearing. THE COURT FINDS 2. a, All notices required by law have been given. b, Each person whose name is to be changed identified in item 3 below [-] is not [] is _ required to register as a sex offender under section 290 of the Penal Code. This determination was made (check one): [__] by using CLETS/CJIS [1] based on information provided to the clerk of the court by a local law enforcement agency. c. [_] No objections to the proposed change of name were made. [-] Objections to the proposed change of name were made by (name): ._ It appears to the satisfaction of the court that all the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and that the petition should be granted. f. [_] Other findings (if any): oo. THE COURT ORDERS 3. The name of Present name New name a. Ashley Marisol Regalado Chavez is changed to ASHLEY MARISOL LUCERO REGALADO b. is changed to a is changed to d. is changed to [_) Additional name changes are listed on Attachment 3. Date: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT [1 sionature oF JUDGE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 1 Fe id for Mand Us Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 1278, 1279 ‘orm Adopted for Mandatory Use DECREE CHANGING NAME one sourts.cagov Judielal Council of California NC-130 [Rev. September 1, 2018] For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after vou have printed the form. 1 Vsave this form |