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OMAR MORENO, Jr.All Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
OMAR MORENO, Jr.All Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview


FILED AT________O’CLOCK____M JUL 1 6 2018 Cause N01 0243248" LAURA mo SSA. CLERK Distfict C rt 'n‘id o County .____Deputyv‘e‘2t'i THE STATE OF TEXAS IN Ti?! Isctric Court V5 0F OMAR MORENO HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS PID: 1471761 ORDER APPOINTING ATTORNEY In the above numbered and entitled cause the court finds the following: 1) The defendant has been determined to be indigent and in need of legal services pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 26. M 2) The attorney hereby appointed is duly qualified to represent the defendant. 3) The attorney isapointed in compliance with the procedures adopted by the Criminal Courts of Hidalgo county or isappointed in a manner which deviates from the general appointed procedures, but with good cause; to wit: FUGTIVE WARRANT 4) Defendant isincarcerated / on bond at the time of this appointment. THEREFORE, IT ISORDERED that ,an attorney found by the Court to be competent to represent the defendant in this cause untilthe case isconcluded, including appeals, ifany, or until released by order of the Court. 7/5/2018 7:27:00 AM Ar lttM’A Date ble Judge 'resi